Let a wave of new customizable options for your empire crash into Stellaris, with a treasure trove of new species portraits, ship set, origins and more.Strap on your fins and tank, and take a deep dive into the marine world of the Aquatics Species Pack with: ALL NEW ORIGINS: Here be ...
crash Crash the game – debug_achievements TODO – debug_achievements_clear TODO – debug_dumpevents Prints fired events – debug_stats Shows game performance stats – debuglines Toggles debug lines on/off – debugtexture Debug drawer for textures [texture name] [transparency] [alpha channel] d...
* Crashfix when invalid leaders are left in a country's leader pool * 修正了在国家的领袖池中有无效的领袖时会出现崩溃的BUG。 * Fixed a low stability warning on game start that disappeared after the first daily tick, because the apparatus of control and repression cannot be relaxed for even ...
Paradox Arc and Whatboy Games successfully transformed the grand-strategy 4X intergalactic experience of Stellaris into hour-long matches with its stand-alone Stellaris Nexus game. Now on the brink of exiting early access, the game will first be rebranded with a new name....
Thrown together by the insidious Minamar Specialized Industries, these former indentured assets seize control of their captor's ship and survive the chaotic crash landing on a habitable planet. 当我着手为这个DLC设计一个新的起源的时候,这就是支撑我工作的精神和基调。还有什么比一群底层奴隶团结一致勇敢...
无 crash create_megastructure 创建一个特定的巨型建筑。 [megastructure id] create_megastructure think_tank_1 damage 选择舰船造成 x 伤害。 <选中舰船> damage 50 debug_nomen 所有AI控制的国家永远不同意你的交易和提案。 无 debug_nomen debug_yesmen 所有AI控制的国家永远同意你的交易和提案。 无 debug_...
About this game Embark on Your Galactic Adventure with the Stellaris: Starter Edition Set course for the stars and begin your journey into the vast unknown! The Stellaris: Starter Edition is crafted to guide you through your first steps in the Stellaris universe, giving you the tools to explore...
Embrace the life of a seafaring civilization as you sail the open expanses of the galaxy with Stellaris' most immersive pack yet. Let a wave of new customizable options for your empire crash into Stellaris, with a treasure trove of new species portraits,
grekulf, Stellaris Game Director Hello everyone! 大家好鸭! As we're approaching the 4th anniversary of the release of Stellaris, I thought we would take a look at what Stellaris is, and how much has changed since its release on May 9th 2016. ...
* Fixed crash on sector colony development update. * 修复了星域殖民地发展更新导致的崩溃问题。 ### # AI ### * Fixed case where AI logic was countering itself. This also solves the single largest AI performance drain * 修正了AI逻辑会对抗自身的情况。这也解决了AI性能...