Then, head to the population tab for the planet that the population you wish to find the ID of belongs to. Under the jobs menu, find the population and hover over it. The population ID will be shown in the tooltip: Stellaris Console Commands Use our complete, up-to-date database of...
Stellaris Cheats is a searchable list of all Stellaris console commands. List includes commands for all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux) on Steam with help and examples.
Stellaris cheats: Testing Commands These Stellaris console commands trigger actions, as well as prompt developer features. Command Description Parameters 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats (FPS and render time) – activate_relic Activates the triumph effect of [Relic ID] [Pop ID] [Ethic Key] add_ethic_p...
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function: Result Cheat Code List available commands help Invincibility invincible Extra money Cash [number] Instant buildings Instant_Build...
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* Tab-key in Console now also lists commands containing entered text. * 控制台中使用Tab键现在也会列出包含了已输入文本的指令。 * Many in-game UIs updated to scale vertically with increased game resolutions. * 许多游戏内UI已经过更新,现在他们会随着游戏分辨率上升而在垂直方向上变大。
Galaxy settings Preset empires AI players User interface Hotkeys Stat modifiers Console commands Exploration Exploration Celestial body Discovery Relics Crisis FTL travel Spaceborne aliens Pre-FTL species Fallen empires Collection Species Species Population ...
* Slaver Guilds : Reduced enslaved population from 40% to 35% * 奴贩公会:被奴役人口比例从40%下调至35%。 * Indentured Assets: Reduced enslaved population from 40% to 35% (Megacorp civic) * 契约资产:被奴役人口比例从40%下调至35%(巨企民政)。
This command adds the specified ethic to the specified population. NameDescription Population ID The ID of the population you wish to add ethic to. Find population IDs by typing 'debugtooltip' into your console and hovering over a population. ...