- Orbital Rings - Built around your worlds, Orbital Rings act similarly to Starbases and allow further development or defense of these core planets. - 星环基地Orbital Rings——环绕你的星球建设的轨道环和恒星基地类似,允许你进一步发展核心星球的防御。 - Quantum Catapult - The galaxy is within reach...
- Orbital Rings - Built around your worlds, Orbital Rings act similarly to Starbases and allow further development or defense of these core planets. - 星环基地Orbital Rings——环绕你的星球建设的轨道环和恒星基地类似,允许你进一步发展核心星球的防御。 - Quantum Catapult - The galaxy is within reach...
planet_building_stronghold_build_speed_mult= 0.25planet_orbital_bombardment_damage = -0.10army_defense_damage_mult = 0.20}weight_modifier = {base = 0}}col_ecu_refinery ={icon = GFX_colony_type_refinerypotential = {uses_district_set = city_world}planet_modifier = {planet_refiners_produces_mult...
或者选择一支你自己的舰队成立雇佣兵Mercenary城邦,出租给其他帝国,当他们与出价最高的人一起战斗时,你的投资将会得到回报。 Construct three new game-changing Megastructures. Build taller than ever before by constructing an Orbital Ring around your habitable worlds. Use it as extra starbase capacity, or t...
mod整理&推荐..Powerful & Realistic Orbital Bombardments:增加了地面轰炸姿态和政策,人口死的更快了(肉眼可见的掉),可以一直把星球炸成未殖民状态,对付刁民的利器,再也
星环基地:orbital_ring 改进型量子弹弓:quantum_catapult_improved_slingshot 视界刺针:cosmogenesis_needle 事件代码 访问专题 这些可以用于 event 命令。与其他命令的用法还未确认。 星球事件需要选定星球再使用控制台,舰船事件需要选定舰船再使用控制台 事件列表:事件控制台列表 矿藏代码 访问专题 这些可以用于 effect...
is_orbital_ring否 条件: 以下条件至少一个满足 has_starbase_module船坞 starbase_buildable_is_in_queue_before first船坞 second舰队学院 AI权重: 权重= 100 modifier 如果满足下列条件,则系数 × 0 count_starbase_modules type船坞 数量< 2 ---该项目已经被移除游戏或未被更新最后更新的版本为:3.4.3(当前...
CostTimeUpkeepOrbital Ring 500 360 5 Yes Changes +1 Starbase Capacity Transit Hub CostTimeUpkeepOrbital Ring 100 180 3 No Changes No longer able to build on Orbital Rings. AI won't build it unless it has free jobs, free housing, or unemployed pops. Disruption Field Generator Changes Can ...
Have a Fortress World with a Planetary Defense Shield, protected by a fully upgraded orbital ring, filled with defensive modules, with a fleet power of at least 10,000 Gotta Subjugate Them All Have a tier 3 subject of each Specialist type simultaneously. ...
- You can no longer build an orbital ring around a planet with a destroyed orbital ring. - 不能再在拥有被摧毁的轨道环的星球上重新建造轨道环。 - When an orbital ring is destroyed, the planet owner gains ownership of the ruined ring immediately. ...