Both give 90 astral threads. Choice between a large amount of physics or society research. If the empire has the Wormhole Stabilization technology and 500 astral threads, it can end the exploration. Otherwise, it replaces the astral rift with a Strange Wormhole. The astral rift gains a ...
64. 创建了on_astral_rift_exploration_complete on_action以计算探索的星界裂缝数量。65. 创建了set_next_astral_rift_event描述以更方便的跟踪事件链。66. 领袖事件窗口可以使用hide_option_if_not_allowed隐藏选项。67. 修复了舰队没有领袖时舰队命令修正不生效的问题。68. 修复了领袖特质的行星与星域修正与...
玩家还能从裂缝中带回星辰丝线(Astral Threads)。星辰丝线存量:500/500月度获得:0.00每完成探索一个星辰裂缝:解锁星辰行动。星辰丝线储存上限:+250.星辰丝线由时间与空间凝聚而成:是维度间互相碰撞而产生的。它们可以被用来产生多种帝国修正。 6楼2023-10-26 20:43 收起回复 ...
(2)添加了新资源:星界丝线(Astral Thread) (3)新增了星界采收(Astral Harvesting)和裂隙探求(Rift Sphere)科技 (4)新增了“太空裂隙(Rift in Space)”局势和随机的裂缝局势 2. 新增了8个遗珍 3. 新增了10种新的星界行动(Astral Actions)和4种额外星界行动(需要DLC四海皆臣) 4. 新增了起源:裂隙当空(Rif...
(1)星界细缝(Astral Scars)(2)新遗迹类型:星界裂隙(Astral Rift)(3)新资源:星界丝线(Astral Thread)(4)星界采收(Astral Harvesting) - 收获星界丝线的科技(5)裂隙探求(Rift Sphere)- 探索星界裂隙的科技(6)“太空裂隙”局势 - 解锁裂隙探求科技。(7)随机两阶段的裂隙局势事件。2. 30多个裂隙遗迹 - ...
Explore an Astral Rift. Growing Planes Explore 5 Astral Rifts in one game. Put a Cork in It Construct a Dimensional Lock. My name is Ozymandias Claim the Eternal Throne. Returned to Form make friends... A Universe of Paperclips Create a perfect universe while meeting every quota as an Obs...
Discovery Discovery • Anomaly • Archaeological site • Astral rift • Relics Species Species • Species traits • Population • Species rights • Ethics Leaders Leader • Common leader traits • Commander traits • Official traits • Scientist traits • Paragons Governance Emp...
生成星界裂缝 spawn_astral_rift 需要在恒星系地图内使用 裂隙快速完成 finish_rift_stage 需要在裂隙界面内使用 注:开关命令在奇数次输入时开启对应的效果,偶数次输入时关闭对应的效果。 官方wiki 控制台指令 指令列表 文中带有 <> 符号代表着需要你执行某些动作让指令正确运行。比如 <Select Planet> 意味着先...
astral_planes.2105.desc: "In the aftermath of the exploration of the Astral Rift in §H[From.solar_system.GetName]§!, a mysterious transmission was received.\n\nOur scientists have determined its origin to be from beyond the rift itself, and have only been able to translate a few words...
控制台(console),是群星(Stellaris)中用于修改,调试的一个控制器。 注意,本页面中的+号大多指空格。注意想知道名称或者需要可以输入debugtooltip来实现。 注:铁人模式不可使用!(通过修改器可以绕过) 本页内容很长,请使用浏览器页面搜索功能快速定位 呼出