Stellarisadd_pops Command add_pops<Species ID><Planet ID> Copy This command populates an entire planet with all of the specified species. NameDescription Species ID The ID of the species you wish to populate the planet with. Planet ID ...
没事用什么populate,卡死了吧选中星球然后grow_pops 数字或者add_pops 种族ID 数字里面直接搜控制台命令(console command)和effect能解决大部分问题,还有搬运来源的英文wiki更新会更快更全一点 2楼2022-07-02 18:14 收起回复 枯叶...
* Fixed colony designations including pre-sapient pops when evaluating pop limitations for the potential trigger. * 修复了在为潜在的触发器评估人口限制时,殖民地规划类型会包含未开化人口的问题。 * Fixed crash when using the add_pops command. * 修正了当使用add_pops命令时会导致崩溃的问题。 * Correc...
Copy Command Copy Full add_pops This command populates an entire planet with all of the specified species. Examples, Generator & More add_pops <Species ID> <Planet ID> Copy Command Copy Full instant_build This command causes all building (including ships, upgrades, stations, etc) to be...
grow_pops 99 选定的星球人口增加99,亦可更换为其他数字,多了无用!根本养不起。 ※加遗珍 add_relic all 添加全部遗珍,也可逐一添加如下, add_relic <遗珍代码> 代码如下 泽洛魂石 add_relic r_zro_crystal 有机全典 add_relic r_omnicodex 最后的巴奥 add_relic r_the_last_baol 女猎手之刃 add_relic...
这种基础资源矿脉没必要加你要是没了直接给自己加满不就行了。或者找个球,输入effect add_deposit = d_underground_mine直接加矿区划,再grow_pops 数字, 来自Android客户端6楼2023-07-02 00:22 回复 灰风子个体 虚空恶魔 13 可能更新后代码改了,建议去翻翻wiki 来自Android客户端7楼2023-07-02 08:31 回...
如需为目标行星添加非装配的"自然增长人口(非机器pop)"需使用“grow_pops+[自然增长进度1的数量(以下简称数量)]”指令进行添加,装配的"非自然增长人口(机器pop)"可用“build_pops+[数量]"指令增加。 在选定的星球上添加资源 effect add_deposit = 在选定的星球上(最好是无人的)添加各种战略资源,最多10个...
planet_pop_assembly_x add, mult, reduction 机械人口的组装速度增加 /修正/减少 planet_pops_x_upkeep_mult alloys, consumer_goods, energy, engineering_research, exotic_gases, influence, minerals, minor_artifacts, nanites, physics_research, produces, rare_crystals, society_research, sr_dark_...
Purge effect now actually purges all pops, previously it only purged pops of the same species as the first pop in the planetImproved how ship data can be scripted in country typesTriggers[edit]Adding heir = yes to a kill_leader = { type = ruler } effect will now kill heir instead of...
grow_pops 99 选定的星球人口增加99,亦可更换为其他数字,多了无用!根本养不起。 ※加遗珍 add_relic all 添加全部遗珍,也可逐一添加如下, add_relic <遗珍代码> 代码如下 泽洛魂石 add_relic r_zro_crystal 有机全典 add_relic r_omnicodex 最后的巴奥 add_relic r_the_last_baol ...