Therefore in the future, one should be able to obtain a wealth of information from the innermost regions of disks around young stars. However, in the meantime, observations are already mature enough to allow detailed modeling of the phenomena occurring in these inner regions ofyoung stellar ...
visible from Knocknarea, is said to be the tomb of Daghdha, husband to Maebh, chief of the Tuatha Dé Danann, and the father God of the Celts. It is clear how the interplay of solar and lunar phenomena was transposed on the landscape, and was specifically linked with sacred hills, on...
As you can see, there’s alotof coronal loops erupting through the surface, creating huge regions of activity (called active regions, unsurprisingly). And the above observation was captured on Oct. 8, 2014, when the Sun was, apparently, in a terrifyingly festive Halloween mood! These regions ...
Many stellar analogs of solar phenomena are available for study: photospheres, chromospheres, coronae, starspots, magnetic fields, rotation, asteroseismology, etc. (see Skumanich,1972; Linsky,1980; Vogtet al.,1987; Gustafsson and Jørgensen,1994; Johns-Krull and Valenti,1996; Christensen-Dalsgaa...
The solar FIP effect manifests itself in several modes of observation. Spectroscopy, as pioneered by Pottasch (1963) and extensively reviewed at intervals over the last 20 years (e.g., Feldman,1992; Feldman and Laming,2000; Feldman and Widing,2003; Saba,1995), reveals the composition primaril...
An INFJ will usually call for a softer way than the INTJ, the latter of whom will generally advocate a harsher and more vigorous mode of response. However, they are both harsh and unrelenting in their ability to penetrate beneath the surfaces of phenomena to glean the fundamental essence, ...
War on Drugs The uncanny parallels between alcohol Prohibition and the 'war on drugs'. A bustle in the cage-row: the making of Rat Park This is a lengthy blog post about the behind-the-scene 'making of'Rat Park. Includes historical photographs of the actual Rat Park experiment from the ...
Radius inflation and temperature suppression in convective stars are now well-established phenomena. Mass–radius diagrams—and less often, mass–temperature diagrams—shown in many papers on this subject are being populated by growing numbers of K and M dwarfs in eclipsing binaries, boosted in recent...
It is well known that Nature manages, rather mysteriously, to keep constant the relative frequency of certain natural phenomena. For instance, whether men proliferate at the Northern Pole or at the Equator, whether the matching couples are developed or underdeveloped, whether they are black, red,...