XLM (Lumens) is the native token of the Stellar network, an open-source and decentralized blockchain network created to transfer value between different types of assets.
Check out our XLMUSD cryptocurrency analysis, current XLMUSD quote, charts, and historical prices for Stellar Lumens/US Dollar cryptocurrency
Liquidation heatmap showed that a strong recovery could push XLM towards $0.50. 。 币界网报道: Stellar Lumens’ pullback was headed to key support levels at $0.3 and $0.36 An upside liquidity sweep could influence a likely price rebound toward $0.50. Stellar Lumens [XLM] pumped 45% in ...
Check out our XLMUSD cryptocurrency analysis, current XLMUSD quote, charts, and historical prices for Stellar Lumens/US Dollar cryptocurrency
Find the latest XLM crypto news with 24-hour trading volume, predictions, live price updates for Stellar cryptocurrency, blockchain at Cointelegraph.
s native token, XLM, makes it possible to create, send and trade digital representations of all forms of money — dollars, pesos, Bitcoin, pretty much anything. It’s designed so all the world’s financial systems can work together on a single network. Learn more in ourStellar lumens ...
The cryptocurrency, originally known as stellar, was later called Lumens or XLM. In August 2014, Mercado Bitcoin, the first Brazilian bitcoin exchange, announced it would be using the Stellar network. By January 2015, Stellar had approximately 3 million registered user accounts on its platform and...
数字货币投资产品Grayscale Stellar Lumens Trust (XLM)宣布向合格投资者在私募交易中发行68,600股新股份。这些股份根据信托的每股净资产值(NAV)以不同价格出售,总计5,924,778.6908229个XLM,约合561,746美元。自上次报告以来发生的这些交易获得了《证券法》注册要求的豁免。
恒星币(Stellar xlm)会是下一个比特币吗? HIBT 一站式加密货币服务平台,不仅仅是100x Crypto 1月10日Stellar(XLM) 在HotsCoin上线,Stellar(XLM)是一种面向全球金融基础设施的开放式、去中心化区块链网络,旨在连接数字和法定货币的交易。通过其独特的设计,Stella…阅读全文 赞同添加评论 分享...
The name of the cryptocurrency was changed from Stellar to Lumens or XLM. In 2014, Brazil’s first bitcoin exchange, Mercado Bitcoin, announced they would be using the Stellar network. Stellar had approximately 3 million users registered by January 2015. Stellar’s Biggest Claim to Fame In 2014...