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斯特拉罗酒庄资料 ABOUT WINERY 酒庄名称: 斯特拉罗酒庄(Stella Rosa) 酒庄网址: 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料 ABOUT GRAPE 葡萄品种名: 布拉凯多(Brachetto) 英文别名: Bracchetto, Bracheto d’Acqui, Brachetto Del Piemonte 原产地: 意大利 种植区域: 意大利 查看详情 ...
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Stella Rosa® Imperiale Prosecco is a sparkling wine that goes to epic proportions to celebrate a moment. This wine will shine at every occasion.
San Antonio Winery in Ontario Debuts Stella Rosa BlackMarquez, Liset
Stella Rosa® produces award-winning semi-sweet, semi-sparkling Italian wines, evolving with the spirit of the times when it comes to wine trends and culture.
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Stella De La Rosa. Writer: 90-60-90 modelos. Stella De La Rosa is known for 90-60-90 modelos (1996), Compromiso (1983) and Géminis, venganza de amor (2002).
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