Red Overview Stella Rosa Red is the dangerously delicious semi-sweet, semi-sparkling Luxury Collection red wine that will bring out your inner femme-fatale. Find her, embrace her. Flavor Profile Ripe raspberry, wild strawberry, and red plum....
Stella Rosa® produces award-winning semi-sweet, semi-sparkling Italian wines, evolving with the spirit of the times when it comes to wine trends and culture.
Stella Rosa Blueberry Stella Rosa Rosso Stella Rosa Ruby Rosé Grapefruit Stella Rosa Black Stella Rosa Moscato d’Asti Stella Rosa Red Apple Stella Rosa Strawberry Rosé Stella Rosa Bianco Stella Rosa Pink Stella Rosa Green Apple Stella Rosa Peach ...
Chateau Stella Rosso Rosa Red, Italy 斯特拉罗索酒庄红葡萄酒 点击次数:6979 酒款年份 NV 下一页 上一页 酒款类型: 酒庄: 斯特拉罗索酒庄 产区: 意大利 Italy 酿酒葡萄: 酒款年份: NV年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“斯特拉罗索酒庄红葡萄酒(Chateau Stella Rosso Rosa Red, ...
Stella Rosa Rosso, the timeless original Stella, is all about the classics. This semi-sweet, semi-sparkling red wine is the must-have at every and any occasion. Flavor Profile Fresh strawberry, and red berry. Size Variations 750 ml – Perfect to share with a few loved ones over dinner- ...
2021年斯特拉·罗莎伯爵红葡萄酒 2021 Il Conte Stella Rosa, Piedmont, Italy年份全部年份 2021国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 (2021年份) 酒庄 il conte产区 意大利 » 皮埃蒙特 酒款综述 这是一款来自意大利皮埃蒙特的红葡萄酒红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载猜...
关于“斯特拉罗酒庄布拉凯多桃红葡萄酒(Stella Rosa Imperiale Brachetto d'Acqui DOCG, Piedmont, Italy)”的评分 酒款年份 评分者 分数 评分时间 NV年 《葡萄酒爱好者》 85 Brachetto d’Acqui is a sweet, fizzy red wine that is popular in northwest Italy. The wine is slowly making its mark in the ...
下载APP 酒庄 斯特拉罗酒庄Stella Rosa 简介 资料 酒庄酒款 扩展信息红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载
斯特拉罗酒庄资料 ABOUT WINERY 酒庄名称: 斯特拉罗酒庄(Stella Rosa) 酒庄网址: 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料 ABOUT GRAPE 葡萄品种名: 麝香(Muscat) 中文别名: 麝香葡萄、慕斯卡 英文别名: Meski, Misket, Moscatel, Moscato, Moscatello, Moschato, Moschoudia, Muskat, Muskateller, Muskatoly,...
关于“科美特庄园罗莎斯特拉保格利桃红葡萄酒(Campo alle Comete Rosastella Rosato Bolgheri, Tuscany, Italy) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自意大利托斯卡纳的红葡萄酒,采用歌海娜、梅洛、西拉酿造而成。该酒散发出野生覆盆子、醋栗和甜杏仁的香气,酒体轻盈,层次分明,怡人易饮。