When Stella’s brother, Sam, cries "Stella! Stella! Look! The sky is on fire!" the pair begin a new adventure exploring the wonders of the natural world. A vast, luminous sky, the sun, the stars, and the rising moon form the backdrop for their nocturnal expedition. As they encounter...
designers Phil Walker-Harding, Sam Macdonald, Bobby Hill, Matthew Dunstan, Chris Antony and the awesome crew of Board Game BBQ at their event, PlayCon 2024 in Sydney, Australia, shared what they really think of themselves, their colleagues, and what they're good/bad at! We really ...
One boy, about five years old, bent down to try and hold Louise, and Sam growled at him, a deep, low warning to back off. Stella picked up Louise, and handed her to the boy, and all was well. There was a chain of command. Sam didn’t have the same protectiveness toward the...
7/5/2017 by Sam Joseph Film-BookDeepwater Horizon – Review It’s still early in “end of the year awards season”, but Hollywood is rolling out another “ripped from the headlines” blockbuster. This month we’ve viewed actors portraying Edward Snowden and Captain Chesley Sullenberg and no...
Stella and her little brother are spending the day at the sea. Stella has been to the sea before and knows all its secrets, but Sam has many questions. "Where do starfish come from? Does a catfish purr? Does a sea horse gallop?" Stella has an answer for them all. The only thing ...
frank-xwang / UnSAM [NeurIPS 2024] Code release for "Segment Anything without Supervision" Jupyter Notebook 429 28 Updated Oct 6, 2024 lukemelas / pytorch-pretrained-gans Pretrained GANs in PyTorch: StyleGAN2, BigGAN, BigBiGAN, SAGAN, SNGAN, SelfCondGAN, and more Python 136 11 Upda...
NYPD Detective Aiden Flynn isn’t the “Sam” Olivia thinks she met on the internet, but he suspects that the man who is poses a real threat to Olivia’s safety—as well as his own. Suddenly Olivia and Aiden are the targets in a dangerous game that will take them across the country ...
The dinner (clockwise, from top): pork pie, baked salmon, bangers, baked beans, haggis with whisky sauce, and neeps and tatties. Eric and I (notice the haggis is in focus–priorities). Eric’s enjoying some Belhaven ale. And, finally, the promised footage: If you’d like to book Kevi...
Check Facebook Stella Cox can be found on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/public/Stella+Cox. If this link does not work for you, you can also use FB directoryhttps://www.facebook.com/directory/people/. Note, Facebook may ask you to prove you're not a bot - just solve CAPTCHA. ...
frank-xwang / UnSAM [NeurIPS 2024] Code release for "Segment Anything without Supervision" Jupyter Notebook 426 28 Updated Oct 6, 2024 lukemelas / pytorch-pretrained-gans Pretrained GANs in PyTorch: StyleGAN2, BigGAN, BigBiGAN, SAGAN, SNGAN, SelfCondGAN, and more Python 136 11 Upda...