The meaning of STEFAN-BOLTZMANN LAW is a statement in thermal radiation: the total emissive power of an ideal black body is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.
史蒂芬-波茲曼 定律 (低溫) Stefan-Boltzmann Law 實驗目的:量測熱物體的溫度T (300 ~ 400 K) 和其熱輻射的「輻射強度」Rrad (單位面積的輻射功率),..
其中σ 是 Stefan-Boltzmann 常数, T 是黑体的绝对温度。Stefan-Boltzmann 常数的值是 5.67x10 -8 W/m2 K4 或3.3063 x 10-15 Btu/s.in2.F4。黑体辐射的光谱变化由 Planck 分布描述。在所有波长 (λ) 上求 Planck 分布定律的积分可给出 Stefan-Boltzmann 定律。
Stefan–Boltzmann law 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 acceleration,accelerative,accelerator,accelerator pedal,acceleratory,accelerin,accelerogram,accelerograph,accelerometer,Accelerotor, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, 用户正在搜索 accentuation,accentuator,accept,acceptability,acceptable,acceptably,acceptance,acceptance sampling...
Stefan Boltzmann 斯蒂芬-玻尔兹曼 1879年J.斯蒂芬经实验求出黑体总发射本领和温度之间关系的定律。1884年L.玻尔兹曼又由热力学定律加以证实。定律表明:黑体的总发射本领E0(T)和黑体热力学温度T的4次方成正 Stefan [人名]斯蒂芬 boltzmann n. 波尔兹曼(人名,奥地利物理学家) Boltzmann 【计】 波尔兹曼 law n....
The Stefan-Boltzmann Law states that the magnitude of the radiation output of an object is directly proportional to the fourth power of its surface temperature. In other words, as the temperature of an object increases, the amount of radiant energy it emits increases rapidly. ...
Stefan-Boltzmann law, statement that the total radiant heat power emitted from a surface is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. The law applies only to blackbodies, theoretical surfaces that absorb all incident heat radiation.
Planck's law :The quantity is the radiated by a surface of area A through a in the frequency range .The Stefan–Boltzmann law gives the power emitted per unit area of the emitting body, To derive the Stefan–Boltzmann law, we must integrate over the half-sphere and integrate from 0 to...
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