Steering vector是导向向量,在高分辨率谱估计和波束形成中很重要。 导向矢量矩阵是一个矩阵,其每一列代表一个特定的到达角度,而每一行代表阵列中的一个阵元。假设阵列由M个阵元组成,导向矢量矩阵的维度通常为M×L,其中L表示选择的离散角度的数量。 在matlab中生成steering vector sv = steervec(pos,ang) sv = s...
Freq— Array operating frequency positive scalar Ang— steering vector direction [0;0] (default) | real-valued length-M vector | real-valued 2-by-M matrix Output expand all SV— Steering vector complex-valued N-by-M-by-L array | struct ...
steervec = phased.SteeringVector creates a steering vector System object™, steervec, with default property values. steervec = phased.SteeringVector(Name,Value) creates a steering vector with each property Name set to a specified Value. You can specify additional name-value pair arguments in any ...
For steering vectors, if you set IncludeElementResponse to true, it will include the element response in the resulting steering vector. HTH 댓글 수: 2 Kirk2016년 11월 2일 I found this object after sending the question. It seems that I ne...
3. Set up a speed set point vector, xdot_r, that you want to investigate. For example, at the command line, type: Get vmax = [45, 50, 55]; numExperiments = length(vmax); 4. Create an array of simulation inputs that set the Slowly Increasing Steer block parameter Longitudinal ...
1. Datatypicallycollectedincludesspeedattimeofimpact,steeringangle,whetherbrakeswereapplied,andseatbeltusageduring thecrash. 主要收集的数据包括受到影响时的速度,方向盘角度,是否踩了刹车,以及撞车时安全带使用情况。 2. Watchingvector,steeringangleandspeedofthevehiclewas setasoutputof BPnetwork...
E. Metamaterials-based broadband generation of orbital angular momentum carrying vector beams. Opt. Lett. 38, 932–934 (2013). 13. Cai, X. et al. Integrated compact optical vortex beam emitters. Science 338, 363–366 (2012). 14. Mirhosseini, M., Malik, M., Shi, Z. & Boyd, R. B...
of a channel estimation, to determine a plurality of steering vectors corresponding said first plurality of timing taps, to determine a particular steering vector based on said plurality of steering vectors, and to control steering of said antenna array according to said particular steering vector. ...
According to the cumulative error between the predicted state vector and the reference value, the optimization objective function considering the constraints is as follows: $$ J(U_{k} ) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{{N_{p} }} {||X_{k} - R_{k} } ||_{Q}^{2} + \sum\limits_{i ...
Alice receives input vector a. 2. 3. 4. Alice Alice soeuntpdus tasbαit=c to+B1oifbaw⋅hiλc0h >a labels Upon receiving this information, Bob λ⋅ cλ,1c, otherwise outputs = 1,2 for which α outputs the state σλc = α = −1. = + 1. 1 + λ 2 c ⋅ σ ...