Sensei Ten Gaming Mouse 常见问题 Sensei Ten 和 Sensei 310有哪些区别? Sensei Ten 是首款采用 TrueMove Pro 光学游戏传感器的鼠标。它支持真1:1追踪优化技术,可以在任意常见鼠标垫上实现更好的追踪性能,带来更好的一致性表现。此外,Sensei Ten 还沿用了 Sensei 系列经典的外观。
The Sensei Ten is a competitive gaming mouse built for lasting performance and durability. Long hailed as the king of gaming mice, the SteelSeries Sensei’s iconic shape and next-level performance defined the world of competitive mice. The Sensei Ten carries on the historic Sensei legacy with ...
Sensei Ten Neon Rider 版是一款具有持久效能的競爭性遊戲滑鼠。Sensei Ten 沿襲歷史性的傳承,具有經典的靈巧形狀、光滑的嶄新表層,以及全新的升級功能,如 TrueMove Pro 感應器,以及 6000 萬次點擊保證。
Sensei Ten Gaming Mouse 常见问题 Sensei Ten 和 Sensei 310有哪些区别? Sensei Ten 是首款采用 TrueMove Pro 光学游戏传感器的鼠标。它支持真1:1追踪优化技术,可以在任意常见鼠标垫上实现更好的追踪性能,带来更好的一致性表现。此外,Sensei Ten 还沿用了 Sensei 系列经典的外观。
The Sensei Ten Neon Rider Edition is a competitive gaming mouse built for lasting performance. It carries on the historic Sensei legacy with an iconic ambidextrous shape, and adds all-new upgrades like a sleek new finish, hyper durable materials, a TrueM
全新的传感器并且还是定制的,当然是要上 MouseTester 跑几圈啦。实际测试在 1000Hz 回报率时的 400 CPI 以及 1050 CPI 两个档位时,TrueMoe Pro 传感器的表现是不错的。当然这会儿比较高端的传感器也都很不错了啦,大部分玩家无需担心。 值得强调的,是上文中提及 TrueMove Pro 传感器能够避免频繁抬鼠所导致可能...
作为SteelSeries(赛睿)经典之作,Sensei系列自诞生至今已经十年之久,为纪念这一特殊时刻,今天官方发布了Sensei Ten游戏鼠标。 外观依旧圆润流畅,采用对称式方案,具有不错的人体工学设计,提供了舒适自然的握感,满足各种手型玩家需求。另外,外壳由高级聚合物材质打造,具有不错的耐用性,鼠标尺寸W68×D126×H39mm,重92g(...
Make a good deal when shopping your SteelSeries Sensei Ten Gaming mouse. Klarna's easy Gaming Mice price comparison tools will help you find the best deal!
CHICAGO – October 1, 2019 –SteelSeries, the global leader in gaming peripherals, today announces the new Sensei Ten gaming mouse with TrueMove Pro sensor. The original Sensei was one of the most iconic and widely used mice in esports. The Sensei Ten, derived from the Japanese word for “...
Comparar todos os nossos mouses gamers abaixo Características Rival 3 Rival 3 Sem-Fio Rival 5 Prime Aerox 3 2022 Edition Sensei Ten Rival 600 Aerox 3 Wireless (2022) Rival 650 Sem-Fio Prime Wireless Preço Sem fio Tipo de Sensor TrueMove Core TrueMove Air TrueMove Air Optical True...