Apex series gaming keyboards from SteelSeries are both available with a full-size keyboard layout and a more compact TKL version. The full-size gaming keyboards all come with a numpad and anti-ghosting which prevents keyboard failure when multiple keys are pressed at once. Gaming Keyboards (Full...
{'new': False, 'is_limited': False, 'members_only': False, 'early_access': False, 'web_exclusive': False, 'name': 'Apex 7', 'options': [{'option_slug': 'switch', 'option_value_value': 'blue', 'option_value_label': 'Blue', 'option_value_title': 'Blue Switch'}], 'descri...
'/gaming-keyboards/apex-7?language=korean', 'num_in_stock': 0}, {'label': 'Nordic', 'title': 'Nordic', 'sku': '64641', 'name': 'Apex 7 (Red Switch) NOR', 'image_primary': 'https://media.steelseriescdn.com/thumbs/catalogue/products/01101-apex-7-red-switch/2ff2d4b8587d4af3...
'/gaming-keyboards/apex-7?language=korean', 'num_in_stock': 0}, {'label': 'Nordic', 'title': 'Nordic', 'sku': '64641', 'name': 'Apex 7 (Red Switch) NOR', 'image_primary': 'https://media.steelseriescdn.com/thumbs/catalogue/products/01101-apex-7-red-switch/2ff2d4b8587d4af3...
The best mechanical keyboard for gaming The SteelSeries Apex 5, Apex 7, and Apex Pro series collection of mechanical gaming keyboards includes advanced features tailored for gamers. The mechanical gaming keyboards all come with a customizable OLED display, per-key RGB background illumination, and adj...
{'new': False, 'is_limited': False, 'members_only': False, 'early_access': False, 'web_exclusive': False, 'name': 'Apex 7', 'options': [{'option_slug': 'switch', 'option_value_value': 'red', 'option_value_label': 'Red', 'option_value_title': 'Red Switch'}], 'descripti...
Tailor-made to fit SteelSeries MX stem mechanical keyboards: Apex 5, Apex 7 & TKL , Apex Pro & TKL. Plus two additional sets of alternate bottom row keycaps to fit the widest range of other mechanical keyboard brands. Shop Compatible Keyboards ...
Tailor-made to fit SteelSeries MX stem mechanical keyboards: Apex 5, Apex 7 & TKL , Apex Pro & TKL. Plus two additional sets of alternate bottom row keycaps to fit the widest range of other mechanical keyboard brands. Shop Compatible Keyboards ...
{'new': False, 'is_limited': False, 'members_only': False, 'early_access': False, 'web_exclusive': False, 'name': 'Apex Pro Mini', 'options': [], 'description': '* OmniPoint 2.0 Adjustable HyperMagnetic Switches\r\n* Rapid Trigger \r\n* Full Adjustability', 'url': '/gaming...
Apex Pro Mini OmniPoint 2,0 Adjustable HyperMagnetic Switches Rapid Trigger Full Adjustability Available in 6 languages {'new': False, 'is_limited': False, 'members_only': False, 'early_access': False, 'web_exclusive': False, 'name': 'QcK Prism Cloth', 'options': [{'option_slug': ...