The time course of the deflection of the thin plate made of 921A steel in different initial conditions under the impact load is researched by theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. According to the theory of elastic-plastic deformation of the thin plate, the dynamic response equation of ...
After Manual design, element-based Check displays utilization for selected elements. After global Check done for all bar-shell elements having final plate thicknesses. No. Global Auto design Element-based Auto des. Element-based Check Global Check ...
Figure 4.25.Pipe deflection equation To meet the designed deflection of no more than 5% the pipe wall structure could be either a straight wall pipe with a thickness of about 1.3 cm (0.50 in.) or a rib wall pipe that provides the same stiffness. It has to be determined if the wall str...
While the fatigue strength of structural steel details are defined in terms of nominal in-plane live load stresses (stress ranges), there is no existing procedure to predict the effects of out-of plane deflection and the associated plate bending stresses. Three steel box girders constructed of ...
For designing square silos, the Eurocode applies the Janssen equation to determine the wall pressure and radius of a comparable circular silo with the same hydraulic radius [10]. This approach predicts pressure values that are close to the mean lateral wall pressure of each level [8]. A predic...
To obtain the effective moment of inertia and predict the deflection of a FRP-reinforced concrete beam, Bischoff [13] proposed modification factors for reducing the tension-stiffening component in Branson's equation [14]. Vogel and Svecova [15] estimated the deflections of concrete beams by ...
Distribution of deflection along the length of specimens. Full size image Bending moment (M) -curvature (φ) curves Due to the deflection of RuCFST members under pure bending conforms to sine half wave curves, so the flexural equation can be represented as: $$ y = u_{m} \sin \frac{\...
The deflection of PSRCS consists of two following parts: the first part is the deflectionyecaused under the full working stage, and the second part is the deflectionyucaused after the concrete cracking. Equation (11) is derived based on the relevant provisions of "Concrete Structure Design Code...
Fig. 12. Load–deflection curves: (a) SSP-46-063-2; (b) SSP-46-100-1. Based on the similarity of the conducted tests, the two profiles were combined into one test family, assuming that both profiles belong to the same population. The k-factor was chosen equal to 1.92, corresponding...
It was found that the plate deflection was reduced at larger blast intensities when considering FSI for lightweight structures. A coupled approach may therefore be necessary at larger blast intensities when evaluating the response of lightweight structures. This study evaluates the performance of the ...