Accurate identification of friction coefficients between steel wires accurately is one of the prerequisites for analyzing the local bending stresses in stay cables.Based on the friction theory,external load,membranes on metal surface and working condition,a method of testing friction coefficients of high...
An approximate value is about 0.15 I determined this by measuring the maximum surface angle at which a piece of 304 could sit on another before beginning to slide. The friction coefficient is equal to the tangent of this angle. Jonathan Castle metal detectors - Los Banos, California, USA 2003...
The aim of this paper was to compare the tribological properties of a deep drawing quality steel sheet using the three commonly used friction tests, i.e., the strip drawing test, draw bead test, and bending under tension test. All tests have been carried out using a speciall...
For acetylsalicyclic acid sliding on steel, the dynamic friction coefficient was found to be dependent on the displacement and, to a lesser extent, the initial normal load, whereas for PTFE on steel, the dynamic friction coefficient was independent of displacement and load and estimated at 0.09....
sectionwerefound.Frictioncoefficientsweresetas0.1O,O.11and0.12respectivelytoobtainthein— fluencelawoffrictioncoefficientonsteelwirestresses.Researchresultshowthatfrictioncoefficient hassignificantinfluenceontheshearstressofsteelwire.Thecalculationresultsofstee1strandwith fivedifferentlaypitchmultipleswereanalyzedandtheinfl...
Degradation of bond strength due to corrosion of steel strands is of great importance for serviceability of prestressed concrete structures. An analytical model is proposed to demonstrate the effect of corrosion of steel strand on reduction of bond stren
A decrease of the static coefficient of friction with low normal load followed by a levelling off governed by its effect on the real area of contact and stiffness of the counterface was observed. This also yielded a linear decrease of slip acceleration as well as stick time. A polynomial ...
“critical level” before the weld cools to 100 °C, then cold cracks are unlikely to appear. This is based on the fact that for most steels cold cracks form around 100 °Cand below. The cooling time from solidification (≈ 1500 °C) to 100 °C, is selected as the critical parameter...
Quantification and control of the sulfur c(2 × 2) superstructure on {100}〈100〉 Ni for optimization of YSZ, CeO2, and SrTiO3 seed layer texture 316 stainless steelfriction and wear ratetotal joint replacementultrahigh molecular weight polyethyleneUHMWPEWe investigated the influence of a chemisorbe...