People have been using wood for building homes and buildings for hundreds of years. However, there have been some developments in the field of engineering and manufacturing. This has made steel an even better option. Steel is not only durable, and strong, but it also looks attractive and appe...
DDM Buildings. Steel/Iron Company in United States,Texas,Brenham, 301 Salem Rd. 77833. Metals Company
Smith & Steel LLC. Steel/Iron Company in United States,Oregon,Salem, 101 Union St NE 97301. Metals Company
Kachlakev, D.I.; Miller, T.H.; Potisuk, T.; Yim, S.C.; Chansawat, K.Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Structures Strengthened with FRP Laminates (No. FHWA-OR-RD-01-XX); Oregon Dept. of Transportation Research Group: Salem, OR, USA, 2001. ...