ENX™ Sustainability AI for built environment | Manufacturer of bolts and nuts | Specialist builder of structural steel About Us Over the past 40 years, the Chin Yuan group has invested heavily in our people, equipment and technology to grow from a small Singaporean trading company to become ...
目前为止,我司不仅具备美国钢结构协会颁发的AISC认证、新加坡钢结构协会颁发的S1资质、新加坡BCA颁发的General Builder Class 1和Specialist Builder资质,而且具备了新加坡工作场所安全与卫生理事会颁发的BizSAFE Level 3资质和”NJN” Ltd.颁发的EN资质。这些国外资质证书的获得证明了我司承接海外项目的实力,也为我司进一...