Off: Not plugged in Controllers Controller not connected Make sure the controller is charged and on. Turn on the controller by pressing the system button (lowest button on the controller) Charge controllers by plugging them into an outlet with the included micro-USB cord and power adapter. While...
SteamVR Version: 1512445023 SteamVR Date: 2017-12-04 Steam: Public Steam Branch: public Steam AppID: 250820 Tracking: No Driver OS: Windows 8.1 OS Version: Direct Mode Vendor: NVIDIA Direct Mode Version: 388.59 Admin: Yes AsyncReprojection: Enabled AllowReprojection: Yes (Good) Forc...
NOT empty, uri=file:///home/mh/.steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/indexcontroller/resources/input/legacy_bindings_index_controller.json Thu Feb 03 2022 22:37:54.145474 - Unable to find input 'z' in filter click_button_actions_legacy_18_user_hand_right_input_thumbstick Thu Feb 03 2022...
// tracking status 与跟踪相关的几个状态:是否正在初始化、是否正在测量、是否走出游玩区边界(也包括失去跟踪) staticpublicboolinitializing {get;privateset; } staticpublicboolcalibrating {get;privateset; } staticpublicbooloutOfRange {get;privateset; } ...
That's interesting. I didn't have a choice in my pre-order, or I might not have gotten the controllers. I don't think they're as bad as some people are saying as far as position tracking (though this is my first VR set, so it could just be that I don't know how good it ca...
When using the GearVR or Oculus Go version of the iVRy app, with a GearVR/Oculus Go controller, the following button mappings will be used: 繼續閱讀 關於此內容 What is the iVRy for SteamVR (GearVR/Oculus App Installer) DLC? • It is the installer for the iVRy app for Samsung Gear...
This toolkit provides many common VR functionality within Unity3d such as (but not limited to): 这个工具包提供了很多Unity3d里的常用VR功能,如下(但并不局限于此): · Controller button events with common aliases · Controller world pointers (e.g. laser pointers) ...