在 Unity 中对应类为SteamVR_Action_Skeleton(提供用于呈现手部模型的骨骼数据,每个关节点的位置和旋转)。 3.7 Vibration 类型 Vibration 类型的动作用于触发 VR 设备上的触觉反馈。 这可以是控制器、背心,甚至是椅子。在 HTC VIVE 中一般指手柄的振动反馈,是一种输出的动作。 action.json 3.8 Using actions(动作使...
SteamVR 一种输出类型。 Vibration:振动动作用于触发 VR 设备上的触觉反馈。这可以是控制器、背心,甚至是椅子。(在Unity中对应类为:SteamVR_Action_Vibration);
switch (o) { case SteamVR_Action_Boolean _: break; case SteamVR_Action_Single _: break; case SteamVR_Action_Vector2 _: break; case SteamVR_Action_Vector3 _: break; case SteamVR_Action_Pose _: break; case SteamVR_Action_Skeleton _: break; } 额外还有 SteamVR_Action_Vibration 动作,...
switch(o){caseSteamVR_Action_Boolean _:break;caseSteamVR_Action_Single _:break;caseSteamVR_Action_Vector2 _:break;caseSteamVR_Action_Vector3 _:break;caseSteamVR_Action_Pose _:break;caseSteamVR_Action_Skeleton _:break;} 额外还有SteamVR_Action_Vibration动作,这个大多数是用来作为输出的,如输入到...
case SteamVR_Action_Pose _: break; case SteamVR_Action_Skeleton _: break; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 额外还有 SteamVR_Action_Vibration 动作,这个大多数是用来作为输出的,如输入到手柄作为反馈 参阅: SteamVR 2.0 Unity插件使用指南_sovida的博客-CSDN博客...
Vibration 类型的动作用于触发 VR 设备上的触觉反馈。 这可以是控制器、背心,甚至是椅子。 3.8 Using actions(动作使用) 创建动作后,您可以在自己的脚本中使用它们,也可以使用我们创建的用于处理一些常见任务的统一组件。 它们被命名为 SteamVR_Action_Boolean、SteamVR_Action_Single、SteamVR_Action_...
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Add a call tovr::VRInput()->SetActionManifestPath()to the application's initialization. This function takes an absolute path to the application's action manifest file. Add several calls tovr::VRInput()->GetActionHandle()to the application's initialization. These calls turn action paths (e....
·TriggerHapticPulse(int duration, ushort strength):initiates the controller to begin vibrating for the given tick duration provided in the first parameter at a vibration intensity given as the strength parameter. The max strength that can be provided is 3999, any number higher than that will be...
Toggle Pointer: Common action of turning a laser pointer on/off Toggle Grab: Common action of grabbing game objects Toggle Use: Common action of using game objects Toggle Menu: Common action of bringing up an in-game menu Each of the above aliases can have the preferred controller button mapp...