Timeout downloading item,偶尔有时候莫名奇妙会下载成功,但我对比了下下载成功的文件大小和超时报错的缓存文件大小一模一样,而且都比steamworkshopdownloader.io解析出来的文件大小要小一点,说明不管是steamCMD里下载成功的文件还是超时报错的缓存文件都是不完整的,但奇葩的是,有些不完整的文件居然某些情况下还能正常使用...
Timeout downloading item 583496184../common/pipes.cpp (774) : Assertion Failed: stalled cross-thread pipe steamclient.cpp (779) : Assertion Failed: bufRet.TellPut() == sizeof(uint8) CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 2 items discarded. ...
SteamCMD has exit codes to go with its failure errors. However, there is no documentation anywhere telling us what they mean. I may have to contact Valve to see if they would be willing to provide details of there exit codes for example ...
Timeout downloading item,偶尔有时候莫名奇妙会下载成功,但我对比了下下载成功的文件大小和超时报错的缓...