Steam ID Finder插件是一款关于steam功能增强的浏览器插件,能够帮助用户查询玩家ID,只需访问Steam个人资料页面就能够查看ID,有需要的玩家赶快来下载吧! 插件功能 只需访问Steam个人资料页面,即可立即复制所需的玩家ID! 另外-可以右键单击任何播放器以立即复制所需的ID! 插件特色 您甚至可以访问“朋友管理器”页面,并一...
你可以使用快捷键Command + Shift + G在Finder中快速访问隐藏文件夹。 Linux系统: 路径可能会依赖于你的Linux发行版和Steam的安装方式,但通常也会类似于Windows系统中的路径结构。 然而,需要注意的是,有些游戏可能会将创意工坊的内容存储在游戏的安装目录下的特定文件夹中,而不是上述的workshop/content路径。例如,...
分享3赞 饥荒联机吧 luofangren WE传STEAM,请问一下怎么把WE的MOD转到STEAM上有部分在创意工坊里没搜到,把MOD复制放到steamapps/workshop/contect/322330里进游戏里看不到 分享91 饥荒联机吧 贾佳嘉啊🍭 为啥我的steam账户里突然多了一份饥荒联机版 分享175 饥荒联机版吧 凶残不会忍心 steam 离线联机版 有没...
很麻烦 先在steam安装盘那个workshop文件夹里面 找到带有数字为名字的文件夹 点进去找到你在工坊下到的那些mod 找不到就取消关注再关注 或者重启steam (点进去可以看到文件名的)把这些文件夹整个复制到mods文件夹! 关键的两部 1.考过来的文件夹一定要用mod名字命名(直接打开看mod作扩展名的那个文件,那个便是mod...
My First Music Workshop my fluffy life My Forest Home MY FOX - Desktop Wild Pet My Free Farm My Free Farm 2 My Free Zoo My Friend Aki My Friend is a Raven My Friend Pedro My Friend Peppa Pig My Friend Stalin My Friend The Spider My Friend's Family (Captain Kitty) My Friendly Neig...
Extensions must be submitted and uploaded to the Steam Workshop with the #Pathfinderjam2024 tag before the deadline of July 4th, 2024. Nothing that violates the Hacknet Community Code of Conduct or that you don't have the right to use. Basically be respectful, don't use anything that does...
Alan's Automaton Workshop ALAN-13 Reformation ALARA Prime Alaric's Quest Alaris Alas Astra ALASKA Alaskan Road Truckers Alba: A Wildlife Adventure Albacete Warrior Albatross Albatroz Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space Albedon Wars Albert and Camille's Little Lille Adventure Albert and Otto: The Adventure...
first.localnAttachmentID=thisEntity:ScriptLookupAttachment("knob_attach");localvSpawnPosition=thisEntity:GetAttachmentOrigin(nAttachmentID);localknobKeyvalues={targetname="knob";model="models/props_gameplay/cache_finder001_attachment.vmdl";origin=vSpawnPosition;-- The origin found from the attachment....
macOS: fixed clicking on file path for custom image/music folders would not open Finder June 2020 Build Challenge ResultsAll submissions can be found on the Workshop - thanks for everyone participating!These are the 5 winning entries:
为什么我点合并没反应啊,怎么让wg 的账号和steam的合并啊 分享81 饥荒联机吧 luofangren WE传STEAM,请问一下怎么把WE的MOD转到STEAM上有部分在创意工坊里没搜到,把MOD复制放到steamapps/workshop/contect/322330里进游戏里看不到 分享91 饥荒吧 贴吧用户_71PAN81 求助求助,wegame,steam版的优缺点和朋友联机,这...