Unsubscribe Vote PublishResult FileId NeedsWorkshopAgreement Result Success Query All AllGuides Artwork Collections ControllerBindings GameManagedItems IntegratedGuides Items ItemsMtx ItemsReadyToUse Screenshots UsableInGame Videos WebGuides AddRequiredKeyValueTag AllowCachedResponse ...
Syntax staticboolIsSubscribed{get; } Description Checks if the active user is subscribed to the current App ID Interfaces23
main 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支2 标签0 Riley Labrecquev1.53a37e939e3年前 62 次提交 提交 SteamworksExample v1.53 3年前 glmgr v1.52 3年前 public/steam v1.53a 3年前 ...
Syntax staticintBuildId{get; } Description Gets the buildid of this app, may change at any time based on backend updates to the game. Defaults to 0 if you're not running a build downloaded from steam. Interfaces23
Unsubscribe Vote PublishResult FileId NeedsWorkshopAgreement Result Success Query All AllGuides Artwork Collections ControllerBindings GameManagedItems IntegratedGuides Items ItemsMtx ItemsReadyToUse Screenshots UsableInGame Videos WebGuides AddRequiredKeyValueTag ...
Data.PublishedFileIdfileId The ID of the file you want to download boolhighPriorityFalse If true this should go straight to the top of the download list Returns bool true if nothing went wrong and the download is started Interfaces23
Syntax staticstringIpCountry{get; } Description returns the 2 digit ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format country code this client is running in (as looked up via an IP-to-location database) e.g "US" or "UK". Interfaces23
Unsubscribe Vote PublishResult FileId NeedsWorkshopAgreement Result Success Query All AllGuides Artwork Collections ControllerBindings GameManagedItems IntegratedGuides Items ItemsMtx ItemsReadyToUse Screenshots UsableInGame Videos WebGuides AddRequiredKeyValueTag ...
Syntax staticSteamIdAppOwner{get; } Description Gets the Steam ID of the original owner of the current app. If it's different from the current user then it is borrowed.. Interfaces23
Once you've subscribed to a good number of mods, you may want to see a list of all the mods that you've downloaded. This is particularly handy if you want to unsubscribe from a specific mod, but don't want to go searching for it through the Steam Workshop. To see all the mods y...