Civilization 流派: 策略 城市營造 4X 模擬 回合制策略 主題: 管理 歷史 玩風格: 多人 特徵: Singleplayer Multiplayer Downloadable Content Steam Achievements Steam Trading Cards Steam Workshop Steam Cloud Remote Play on Tablet 用戶評分和評論 我們所有的客戶評論都是公開和誠實的。我們發布所有相關的評論並遵...
然后到SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\289070搜索你刚刚复制的那一串数字,得到一个文件夹,这就是你刚刚下载的那个mod。点进去复制所有文件到C:\Users\你的账户名\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI (Epic)\Mods文件夹下。 4楼2020-05-25 16:55 收起回复 混...
Civilization Play Style: Turn-Based Features: Downloadable Content Steam Achievements Steam Trading Cards Steam Workshop Singleplayer Multiplayer Show more Critic Reviews 79 Based on 48 Critics GameSpot 80 / 100 "Rise and Fall works so well with the base game that lingering issues are minor. It...
©2025 Valve Corporation。保留所有权利。所有商标均为其在美国及其它国家/地区的各自持有者所有。 所有的价格均已包含增值税(如适用)。 隐私政策 | 法律信息 | Steam 订户协议 | 退款 | Cookie 关于Valve | 工作机会 | Steamworks | Steam 分销 | 客服 | 礼物卡 | Steam | @steam ...
根据路径:“Steam\steamapps\common\Left4Dead2\left4dead\addons\workshop”寻找即可(部分文件名因由玩家自定义的所以不同)。 2、steam游戏在steamapps文件夹中。 3、steam下载后游戏存放在您安装steam的磁盘里。比如我将steam放在D盘,我在steam下载的游戏也直接安装在D盘。具体路径如下:可以通过此路径找到您在... 点击Download后会转到下载站(这个下载网站...
Still, the fact that this is the 6th civilization game, not counting all the spin-off titles, means that this franchise has a lot to offer and is still around for a reason. Humankind This game was born out of two things, love for Civilization and the fact that the opportunity to create...
Other versions Sid Meier's Civilization VI-10%£44.99 CriticsRead more: Information Pan European Game Information ( 246 Steam Achievements Single-Player Multi-Player Steam Workshop Steam Trading Cards
~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/sid meier's civilization v/然后你就懂了鼠标右键选择show package content定位文明5文件夹到此为止 本楼含有高级字体4楼2014-01-27 08:42 回复 真人类大好き 帽子大亨 14 2.在文明5文件夹的子文件夹下找到这个文件Contents/Home/assets/UI/FrontEnd/...
一盏灯,一壶酒,一个游戏玩一宿 - 文明6/Sid Meier’s Civilization VI,策略战棋游戏,支持简体中文&中配,2.5折,售价49,平史低(史低出现时间19.6.25),性价比良好,促销截止10.27。 版本区别:白金版(Platinum)多了新纪元前所有的DLC。 Firaxis Games开发、2K发行 / 特别好评,89&82% / 支持Mac、Linux / 支持...