安装完成后就会到Windows的例行念诗环节,之后会进入OOBE(Out-of-box experience)初始化页面 如果是安装的Windows11系统,这里我建议大家使用键盘输入Shift+F10,进入命令行,然后输入 来跳过网络设置,否则的话必需联网登录微软帐号,比较流氓 等待自动重启后,一直下一步,到网络连接界面就会出现”我没有Internet连接”的选项...
安装完成后就会到Windows的例行念诗环节,之后会进入OOBE(Out-of-box experience)初始化页面 如果是安装的Windows11系统,这里我建议大家使用键盘输入Shift+F10,进入命令行,然后输入 来跳过网络设置,否则的话必需联网登录微软帐号,比较流氓 等待自动重启后,一直下一步,到网络连接界面就会出现”我没有Internet连接”的选项...
大部分人认为Windows11下蓝牙驱动更好; 触摸键盘更好用一点; 微软正全力推Windows11,很多应用可能会为Windows11优化。 Windows 11 安装完Windows后的系统微调 做以下的系统微调可以让Windows在Steam Deck下跑的更好。 1、禁用Edge和Chrome在后台驻留 禁止edge后台驻留 2、更换无线驱动程序 Steam Deck的无线网卡说实话...
The latest update fixes a common 'flickering screen' problem on newer Windows 11 computers. We have seen your comments and workarounds on the message boards and worked to resolve this issue for everyone. We're so happy that these games continue to bring joy on hardware so far ahead of the...
在Windows上,按下Windows键 + R键,输入“steam://flushconfig”,然后按Enter键。这将清除Steam的配置文件。重新启动计算机并重新启动Steam。3.检查主机文件:有时,主机文件中的条目可能会阻止Steam与服务器通信。您可以尝试编辑主机文件以解决此问题。主机文件位于以下位置:Windows:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\...
Now it's ready to set up your device as a Windows 11 boot option. Next, we want to prepare your shiny new Windows 11 boot device with some data for the Steam Deck. Out of the box, the Steam Deck will be missing drivers for running its hardware properly. Below is some details on ...
Why are my Steam games crashing on Windows 11? There can be many reasons why the Steam games keep crashing on your Windows 11 PC. Some of these include corrupted graphics card drivers, corrupted game files, overclocked GPU or CPU, conflicting background applications, etc. Is Windows 11 not ...
If you still face audio issues after installing all the Windows 11 sound drivers for Steam Deck,uninstall the drivers, then install them again, and this time for the APU drivers, chooseFactory ResetunderAdditional Optionsin the setup. This should in all likelihood get things up and running!
如果SteamVR 在更新后仍然崩溃,则可能在计算机上安装了两个用于 SteamVR 的 Windows Mixed Reality。 确认: 在%localappdata%\openvr\openvrpaths.vrpath记事本中找到并打开它。 在“外部驱动程序”部分查找“MixedRealityVRDriver”的多个条目 JSON "external_drivers": ["D:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Mixed...
11. Disable and enable your network connection PressWindows Key + Xto openWin + X menuand chooseNetwork Connections. AfterNetwork Connectionswindow opens, locate your network connection, right click it and chooseDisablefrom the menu. After a couple of seconds, right-click your network connection ...