cafeapplaunch cafeapplaunch 参数将在网吧模式下启动任何 Steam 应用程序。这将强制应用程序在启动之前验证游戏文件。 log_voice 使用 log_voice 参数会将Steam 语音聊天数据记录到安装目录中的 logs/voice_log.txt 文件中。
在“目标:”一栏中 Steam.exe 的位置之后添加您打算使用的启动选项(请确保用空格隔开所有的启动选项——例如,“ -launchoption1 -launchoption2”) 点击“应用”并点击“确定”来关闭属性窗口 可用选项 以下是一些常用的启动选项: -login:通过在此输入登录信息来跳过 Steam 登录窗口。
设置Steam 启动选项 设置启动选项 打开您的 Steam 库。 右键点击游戏标题并选择“属性…”。 在“通用”选项卡下,您会看到“启动选项”栏目。 输入您想应用的启动选项(请务必使用空格来分隔代码)。 关闭游戏的“属性…”窗口,并启动游戏。 常见启动选项
- Setting various window sizes, and remembering the application's screen position - Chroma color and game color options to style the game to fit your stream - Game speed option to accelerate the action - Queue limits and user entry thresholds to let everyone have a chance to play ...
Steam Launch Option: using steamtinkerlaunch as Steam Launch Option Steam Linux Runtime: the Steam Linux Runtime can be disabled optionally Steam Reaper: the Steam Reaper can be disabled optionally Help-Url: choose from a list of helpful urls, to open automatically as Help-Url when opening the...
If you want to change the runtime configuration for a specific game, you can use theSet Launch Optionssetting in the game'sPropertiesdialog in the Steam client. Set the variable, followed by%command%. For example, input "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%" to use the OpenGL-based wined3d ...
CommandLine Option Usage: inu.exe [quantity] [gaben] Option: quantity:Much INU (1-666). gaben:Such easter egg. INU Properties > GENERAL > LAUNCH OPTIONS How to exit Click the INU icon on taskbar-corner. If you see of the following window ...
To enable your local build in Steam, go to the Steam Play section of the Settings window. If the build was correctly installed, you should see "proton-localbuild" in the drop-down list of compatibility tools. Each component of this software is used under the terms of their licenses. See...
Enter the launch options you wish to apply in the box (be sure to separate each code with a space). Should look like this: Code: -noWorkshop -disableMods Close the game's Properties window and launch the game. Community Manager at Colossal Order Reply Report P PAC...
Launch Steam and open the Settings window. Note the Beta Participation section, and click the Change. button. In the Beta Participation dialog, click on the list of available betas, and choose the one called The Steam Community.1. Open the Settings window 2. Click 'Change' 3. Select ...