Join our growing community as you explore, play, and help craft the future of social VR. Create worlds and custom avatars. Welcome to VRChat.
Now, keep in mind that it hasalwaysbeen against the VRChat Terms of Service to make modifications to the official VRChat client. Those who break the ToS risk being banned from the platform, but (much like earlier flatscreen virtual worlds, e.g. Second Life), there’s really very little s...
Check out our release noteshere! If you're a creator, make sure you grab the latest SDK available here: Here's a few highlights from our Release Notes. Please check the link above for the full documentation! Client Features - You might have noticed that we...
多人游戏 VRChat 链接: 加入我们不断发展的社区,探索、畅玩,创建世界和自定义头像,打造社交VR的未来。欢迎来到VRChat。幻想一个世界,一个一切皆有可能的世界。 WaveBeta 链接: Wave是您可以随时随地访问的...
但他的游戏版本怎么这么低啊,装了SKSE后运行时也显示我游戏版本过低 分享12赞 vrchat吧 砂糖酱😫 你们要的旧版STEAMVR介于hy头显不能支持新版steamVR 专门发出来旧版供hy用户使用 链接在2楼 1397 clannad吧 沧沐Soumoku♂ 求助steam上下载的,玩了一段时间后发现游戏打不开了,说是环境设置数据版本旧,卸载了...
VR does start and I can see the normal mountain background in the headset, but also getting error 303 and VR games like VRChat just error out when trying to be started. Will try the rollback to 1.27 as mentioned above. Small edit: Rolled back to 1.27, but now I get "SteamVR failed...
分享31 vrchat吧 贴吧用户_aXaXtDK 求助第一次登录,用steam登的怎么办呀他说什么账号验证不通过 分享25 steam账号吧 心向璀璨5 steam账号注册人机验证过不去各位玩家们,steam冬促已经开始啦!结束时间是2023年1月6日凌晨2点,这是北京时间哈!大家可以去看看有没有自己想要入手的游戏,活动时间还是长的,大家可以慢慢...
为什么我玩vrchatsteam登陆账户验证错误? 为什么我玩vrchatsteam登陆账户验证错误?... 为什么我玩vrchatsteam登陆账户验证错误? 展开 需要把令牌进行转移,转移方法为:1、打开之前旧的手机的steam令牌软件,然后点开左侧菜单,在里面点击steam令牌菜单。2、可以看到令
VRChat (438100): This 2022 you spent time with friends virtually. Conan Exiles (440900): What is best in life? Surviving in the brutal world of Conan. Paladins (444090): You enjoyed Paladins with 50 million of your closest friends.
榜单方面,新入榜应用为5款,前三依然是《TheLab》、《Heaven Island Life》以及《Google Earth VR》。在2月榜单中全部30款应用下载量均超11万,呈上升趋势。而近来大火的《VRChat》在本月也继续保持上升态势,下载量接近360万次,远超同类产品。 In February, Steam observed: ...