昨天看到的这个Ste..朋友圈看到一篇微信推送讲的VR CHAT:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3NjkyMDIwNg==&mid=2650470003&idx=1&
一、司法动向 1. 英国警方正在调查首例VR元宇宙性侵未成年少女案件 2. 谷歌同意与美国消费者达成和解,索赔金额达50亿美元的侵犯隐私权诉讼或被搁置审理 3. OpenAI 对接踵而至的诉讼表示:"不可能 "在没有版权材料的情况下创建像 ChatGPT 这样的人工智能工具 二、行政动向 4. 美国证券交易委员会拒绝苹果和迪士尼回避...
(Text Chat and Emojis are not currently supported in VR). VR FLOW TOYS Jump in VR to spin different flow props such as Poi, Contact Staffs, and LED Swords. Choose and combine different ones to flow with. Practice your IRL skills in a safe virtual environment or try out something new. ...
老哥们问下,我从st..老哥们问下,我从steam直接裸连都能进chat,用q2vr连接电脑从steam vr进去就显示your connection to VRchat timed out不知道咋回事啊
Also works without VR!You can also use connect without VR headset! It works like every "normal" 3D game too. At the moment we support the VR solutions of HTC Vive or Oculus VR. Goal: "Oasis" from the book/film "Ready Player One"In the long term connect should become your own custom...
闲鱼去年买的htc vive,2500以内把。不过画质太差了,打算以后换个index,那个目前8000+ 来自iPhone客户端4楼2021-01-15 18:40 收起回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示5...
没有此入创建的收藏夹Steam内容:解决VR Chat下载慢的问题 教程,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Open-source VR headset with SteamVR support. Website • Discord I’m Maxim xyz and when my best friend Gabriel Combe and I were 15 years old we built our own VR headset because we couldn't afford to buy one. 5 years later : this headset became Relativty. Fully Open-source - ha...
SteamVR 和Oculus设置分辨率很低还是这样。下面是我的配置 配置应该没问题吧 不知道有没有跟我一样碰到这样的 26620 聚镁art0x吧 聚镁Art0X 有了ChatGPT 微软对元宇宙不香了吗押注ChatGPT是微软最近的主要发力点,另一边,它开始向元宇宙业务挥出裁员“大刀”。海外消息称,微软解散了成立仅四个月的工业元宇宙团队,...
SteamVR includes features for social VR interactions and multiplayer experiences through SteamVR Home environments or shared virtual spaces. Users can meet friends in virtual reality chat rooms real-time multiplayer games embark virtual adventures together create collaborative projects host events meetups pl...