Rerun Room Setup from the SteamVR status window. Restart Windows. Devices are not solid green in the SteamVR status window A device will appear solid green in the SteamVR status window when it is ready for use. If a device does not appear this way in the status window, refer to our ...
Reboot your headset from the SteamVR status window (Menu>Devices>Restart headset) or restart SteamVR. Headset not ready in SteamVR status window Check the LEDs located above the two cameras on the front of the headset, then refer to the matching troubleshooting section below. ...
VR 作品 解谜 科幻及赛博朋克 视觉小说 城市及定居点 格斗 类Rogue 合作登录以查看个性化推荐 登录 或者注册并免费加入 Steam 浏览Steam 新品 优惠 免费游戏 按用户标签 低于¥ 40 低于¥ 40 低于¥ 20 ¥ 29.00 -75% ¥ 95.00 ¥ 23.75 ¥ 37.00 ¥ 24.00 ¥ 29.00 -67% ¥ 90.00 ¥...
VR 头戴式显示器 September 2023 - February 2025 12.06% 2.75% 3.21% 3.25% 5.01% 5.33% 13.15% 23.54% 31.69% Windows, Mac and Linux用下拉菜单按系统进行筛选或查看综合统计。 February 2025(点击明细项目查看更多详情) 项目 最常用 百分比 变化
Documentation can be found online here: Quick Start If you want to explore the interaction scene you'll need to open the SteamVR Input window (under the Window Menu), click yes to copy example jsons, then click Save and Generate to ...
How To Collect SteamVR System Information: Click the 'SteamVR beta' menu in the upper left of the SteamVR Status window Click 'Create System Report' Click 'Copy to Clipboard' Browse to Click in the text entry box...
1、在[Status]预制体中的Overlay对象中的SteamVR_Overlay有没有勾选 2、需要在Game视图按“i”键来切换显示与隐藏 3、Transform中的position决定了显示的位置(与GUIText中的对齐方式结合)。Z参数是不起作用的是,因为会通过overlay显示 4、GUILayer没有禁用 ...
1、在[Status]预制体中的Overlay对象中的SteamVR_Overlay有没有勾选 2、需要在Game视图按“i”键来切换显示与隐藏 3、Transform中的position决定了显示的位置(与GUIText中的对齐方式结合)。Z参数是不起作用的是,因为会通过overlay显示 4、GUILayer没有禁用 ...
On the SteamVR Window (the small windows that shows your controller status) select on the title to open the menu. Select "Create System Report". Save to File. Attach the generated file to your Feedback Hub entry directly. If your feedback is about SteamVR performance, collect a...
Window->SteamVR Input 点击【Open binding UI】可以编辑Action 通过挂载SteamVR_ActivateActionSetOnLoad脚本,激活动作集。 一、将Player拖入场景,并删除默认的Main Camera,此时可在VR中看见手柄。 二、将Teleporting拖入场景,然后按住触摸板,即可看见从手柄发出的射线。