在VR 方面,Meta 的 Quest 2 / Quest 3 头显共计占据 53.43% 的市场份额(分别为 36.17% 和 17.26%),Valve Index 头显占据 15.65%,而 HTC VIVE 仅占据 3.80% 份额。
“抢先体验版首发时将包含至少 5 条赛道和 20 辆赛车,支持单人游戏、VR、三屏显示,后续还会逐步推出多人模式、驾驶学院和特殊活动。” 在抢先体验期间和结束之后,游戏价格会有所不同吗? “并不一样,抢先体验版和正式版的售价会有一定差异。我们亦可能会决定在 “抢先体验 ”期间提高价格,以反映在正式版游戏发布...
显卡:GTX 1050 (you probably can't run this on your momma's generic laptop) 存储空间:需要 4 GB 可用空间 声卡:Yeah probably have one of those 支持VR:Nah, I fear that bunnies in VR might make things too real and the players would die of cuteness overload ...
On Sale Now Latest Deals Top Sellers Games Under £5 VR Games Role Playing Games Last Chance to Save Anime Games Books Party Games Popular Games New Releases Best Games of 2024 Browse All Popular GamesView All RimWorld View Add -28% £28.49£20.51 STARFIELD View Add -47% £59....
玩机工坊 PowerVR 10 Steam平台公布了2023年7月玩家软硬件调查数据:硬件显卡排名,GTX 1650继续连冠,市场占有率达到了5.12%,虽然占有率略微下滑,但作为一张老卡整体表现还是非常坚挺的。RTX 3060排名第二,份额达到了4.71%。GTX 1060跌至了第三名,份额为4.45%。随后分别是RTX 2060,RTX 3060 Laptop GPU。前十名...
"First of all, just a few specs. I'm using a Asus G713RS ROG Strix laptop, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX w/nVidia 3080 graphics and 32gigs of RAM. I am running the game on a Samsung 990 Pro SSD which I installed a few days ago. I've only got about 10-15 hours or so into the game...
Describe the bug Using ALVR + SteamVR on latest unstable will not work, and it will crash as soon as a headset is connected. This is likely introduced here #341219 , and there is a fix here #351928 (this cannot be cherry picked, there ar...
连上后玩游戏能明显感受到电脑显示的画面会比头显的画面更流畅,请问是我设置的问题还是正常的现象,电脑配置是2060laptop+10代i7 酷酷的便便 核心吧友 7 正常,电脑分辨率比vr小 洞那个洞 核心吧友 7 正常的,因为显示器只显示那么一小块区域,可能最大也就32英寸,你看看在头盔里是好大的空间。。。 V慢羊羊...
Launch SteamVR by clicking the VR box in the upper right corner of the client or by pressing the System button on the controller. Run Room Setup and Enjoy VR Make sure all of your devices turn green in the SteamVR monitor window, then follow the onscreen instructions for room setup. ...