安装SteamVR,使用 HTC Vive、Oculus Rift、Windows 混合现实头戴式显示器或任何其他支持的 VR 头戴式显示器和控制器来访问和游玩 VR 游戏。 最近评测: 特别好评(1,405) 全部评测: 特别好评(67,742) 开发商: Valve 该产品的热门用户自定义标签: 虚拟现实软件模拟实用工具3D射击 ...
Steam 是畅玩游戏、讨论游戏、创造游戏的快乐所在。 在线 22,689,657 正在游戏 5,305,358 安装Steam 亦可用于: 了解更多 立即访问游戏 我们有约 30,000 款游戏,从 AAA 大作到小品的独立游戏,种类繁多,应有尽有。您可以尽情享受独家优惠、游戏自动更新及各种出色服务。
Check out our separate post:SteamVR Error 108. 2. Install The Steam App On Windows 11 After the download, you can easily install the app on your computer. Click on the downloaded file and select theYesbutton when a window pops up. Here are the steps to install the steam app on Windows...
一切准备就绪打开steam vr就会显示你的 头显准备就绪了 你可以先尝试一下一些不用move就能玩的游戏 比如我的世界vr版下面是lz遇到的问题:1.软件starts变stop了且右上角也有坐标 但是steamvr头显未就绪;解决办法:先关闭steamvr与steam,重启trinus psvr在点击start 再进入steam vr。2.显示器上有画面,头显上只有桌面...
哈喽大家好呀,我是VR玩家一号的小蓝,今天给大家分享一下vision pro 通过ALVR串流电脑玩SteamVR游戏的操作方法! Apple vision pro内下载TestFlight这个测试软件 TestFlight 2. 在头显内访问测试链接 https://testflight.apple.com/join/YoK2nuX6 将Beat版‘ALVR’加入测试,并点击‘install’安装 ...
\4. 在网站:https://github.com/cmbruns/pyopenvr下载pyopenvr \5. 安装 按WIN+R,打开doos,输入cmd 打开终端,输入pip install openvr ,按Enter键执行。 \6. 修改文档 u 到电脑:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\resources\settings ...
If you don't already have Steam installed on your PC, download and install it from the Steam website (store.steampowered.com). Once Steam is installed, follow these steps to set upSteamVR: a. Open Steam: Launch Steam from your desktop or Start menu. ...
A mouse can be used when an HMD is not present and SteamVR is not installed. The 360 video will appear in a window on the desktop monitor. Left-click and drag in the window to move the around in the 360 video. Right-click to show and hide the analytics and help information. ...
SteamVR Unity Plugin v2.8.3 (sdk 2.5.1) betaPre-release This is a beta release. Not intended for release builds. Upgrading from older versions Upgrading from anything from 2.6+ Delete SteamVR folder and remove all OpenVR packages in package manager. Then install. If there are errors reporte...
Download and install SteamVR. When ready, start SteamVR. The SteamVR Tutorial should start automatically. Note:For advanced troubleshooting of your SteamVR setup, make sure you have the following software components installed: InstallSteamandloginorcreate a new account. ...