Forums›Game Hints and SettingsSteamVR error 108 HMD not found (tips) Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author Posts Sep 18, 2021 at 10:51am#206342 RJK_ Participant This is not a VorpX issue but should help userson a fresh Windows 10 installto solve common errors like SteamVR crashes,...
Vrserver 遇到启动问题。请尝试重启电脑,再重新打开 SteamVR。如果仍然出现此错误,请向HTC官网发送系统报告。 (1101-1112) USB 错误 这些错误都为 USB 故障所致。 1. 从电脑上拔下所有虚拟现实设备(如果头戴式设备和操控手柄已插到电脑上,请将它们拔下) 2. 前往“设置”>“重置”,再单击“移除所有 SteamVR ...
问题原因可能是SteamVR应用程序中文件缺失或损坏。请确保您的安装完整无缺。 在电脑上,关闭SteamVR应用程序。 打开Steam应用程序,再前往库选项卡。 在左侧面板上,单击下拉菜单,然后选择工具。 右键单击SteamVR,再选择属性。 在本地文件选项卡中,单击验证工具文件的完整性。
Error 108 (Headset not found) Error 109 / Error 400 Resetting USB Devices New USB PCI-Express Card Error 208 (HMD detected over USB, but monitor not found) Headset not detected Headset LED States Camera does not work
Launch SteamVR. You may need to repeat the steps above more than once. You can try plugging into the same USB port as well as different USB ports. Error 208 (HMD detected over USB, but monitor not found) is a generic HMD error message. This error can have a number of solutions, so...
Opening the SteamVR Media Player results in the warning "HMD not found (108)" that will close automatically the window if you wait there for 5 minutes. This doesn't happen if you run SteamVR Media Player outside of the sandbox. I didn't have any luck to find out the cause after ana...
I have been using PiMax 4K on my desktop system for a while and am very happy with it. Tomorrow I am going on a long trip so I decided to set it up on my laptop. SteamVR is not detecting the PiMax 4K. The HMD works ok …
Rolled back to 1.27, but now I get "SteamVR failed to initialize for unknown reasons. (Error: Hmd Not Found (108) (108))". Mountain void still shows in the headset, but VRChat still refuses to run, although I have the feeling that this is related to VRChat's update to Unity 2022 ...
Error 108 (Headset not found) may be a USB / driver issue. Please follow the steps below to remedy: Error 208 ('HMD detected over USB, but monitor not found(208)') is a generic HMD error message. This error can have a number of solutions, so please work from the list below to ma...
正常情况下的SteamVR是无法直接无头显使用的,需要进行一些单独的配置以实现无头显使用。修改后可以省去对HMD和手柄的需求,可以降低诸如虚拟主播(我所从事的行业)追踪设备的成本,且可以搭配iPhone的ARKit或者普通的摄像头实现正常的面捕。进一步降低成本。 第一步,修改SteamVR配置文件 ...