Can you run SteamVR without Steam? Yes, you can. According to thehelpful community on the Steam forums, you can run the SteamVR startup files and install them onto another device, like the Oculus Quest 2. From there, you can run SteamVR without needing to open Steam. Other reports stat...
steamVR 回滚..大家好,现在STEAMVR更新很频繁,往往原先版本用的挺稳定的,却被强制更新版本而出现新情况问题时有发生。今天和大家分享交流下回滚之前版本的方法,希望能帮助到出情况的朋友:)1、steamvr 自动更
Fix SteamVR not working on Windows PC: [ATTACH]If SteamVR is not working properly on your Windows 11/10 PC then this post will help you troubleshoot the issue. SteamVR is a virtual reality system that enables you to experience VR games on your desktop. However, some users have complained...
Depending on the size of the SD card that you are using with the Steam Deck, you might have to wait a bit before the formatting has been completed. However, once it’s finished working its magic, you’ll be able to use the SD card on Steam Deck to install more games, use Windows,...
安装SteamVR,使用 HTC Vive、Oculus Rift、Windows 混合现实头戴式显示器或任何其他支持的 VR 头戴式显示器和控制器来访问和游玩 VR 游戏。
Fix SteamVR not working on Windows PC: [ATTACH]If SteamVR is not working properly on your Windows 11/10 PC then this post will help you troubleshoot the issue. SteamVR is a virtual reality system that enables you to experience VR games on your desktop. However, some users have complained...
Describe the bug With SteamVR 2.2.1 beta (and 2.1.1 - 2.1.10 beta, before Dec. 11th Steam update)… VR games appear to launch, then immediately exit, as if the executable wasn't even attempted 2D games work fine However, SteamVR 2.1.10 st...
Headset Not Detected Make sure your headset is connected properly, then reset it below. This issue can be frustrating as it keeps you away from enjoying your VR games and other content on your system. If you are one of the affected users, try the fixes we have mentioned in this post.Adv...
支持VR: 未対応 推荐配置: 操作系统: windows10 处理器: Intel Core i7 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 存储空间: 需要4 GB 可用空间 支持VR: 未対応 ©Hakababunko / SHUEISHA, SHUEISHA GAMES 更多类似产品查看所有 查看全部 鉴赏家点评 41 名鉴赏家评测了这款产品。点击这里阅读。 都市...
So, I've been messing around with SteamVR on Apple Silicon and it runs as expected under Rosetta translation, I've even got a game to run. But for some reason SteamVR cannot detect a headset, even when using one that SteamVR has drivers for such as the 2017 Vive headset. Would ...