关闭电脑上的所有 Steam 应用程序,包括 SteamVR 应用程序。 从电脑上拔下串流盒连接线(HDMI 及 USB),并将电源线从电源插座上拔下。 等待几秒钟,然后再将线缆插回。在电脑上,您可能会看到正在安装驱动程序的通知。等待安装完成。 重新打开 SteamVR 应用程序。 如果依然看到类似错误,请重复上述步骤。也可以检查您...
Drivers are responsible for communication between your system and headset. If there’s something wrong with your device drivers (especially the monitor and USB drivers), the headset may not connect to PC and Steam. To get the most out of SteamVR, you should always keep the drivers intact and...
SteamVR doesn't seem to detect the headset. To Reproduce Connect Meta Quest 3 via USB port Launch "Steam VR" from Steam Library Wait for "Steam VR" to appear Expected behavior A message about the headset configuration is supposed to appear Actual behavior "Headset Not Detected" error: System...
SteamVR Error 208orSteam vr headset not detectedis a generic HMD error message.HTC Viveis developed by HTC and Valve for virtual reality experience as afully immersive virtual reality headset. It uses the room-scale tracking technology that makes it possible for users to move and interact with ...
I'm not sure if this issue belongs here, if it has a better home somewhere else please direct me. Describe the bug SteamVR reports "headset not detected (108)," no matter which USB 3.x port I plug the Valve Index into. The Valve HMD entr...
江湖救急!pleas..刚下载steam vr,安装完了就出现个弹窗,写的是please plug in your VR headset,它怎么检测我的VR设备的?我也插了耳机了,VR设备处于NOLO和电脑连接的最后一步,提
VR 头戴式显示器 9.48% 2.84% 2.85% 3.04% 3.20% 4.85% 5.65% 13.17% 23.26% 31.67% Windows, Mac and Linux用下拉菜单按系统进行筛选或查看综合统计。 January 2025(点击明细项目查看更多详情) 项目 最常用 百分比 变化 操作系统版本 Windows 11 64 bit ...
When I add SteamVR plugin I receive error: Failed to load IVRRenderModels interface version IVRRenderModels_005. The plugin works for my other projects, camera and controllers are detected and work fine. From the project with the error I need to export a scene. Even when added...
video not streaming your headset is connected to a host PC ,but no video is being streamed.check the host PC for errors. error 451 quest3头显里面显示这个问题,官方串联也无法链接。 乱乱道 1-5 0 有没有大佬指点一下steamlink怎么有线链接 墨莲者也 我steamlink卡的一批,然后听说有人说拿...
Use you Apple VisionOS headset as a Virtual Reality Headset for your PC. Lets you run SteamVR & Oculus Rift PC VR titles without a dedicated VR headset.