'releasedate', 'alltags', 'discountpercentage'], axis=1, inplace = True)# cleaning NaN valuesdf.fillna(0, inplace=True)# splitting data and targetX, y = df.drop('onsale',axis=1), df['onsale']# run baseline models (train-test split is conducted...
Train Simulator Classic Train Simulator Classic Follow 2,441 Followers
PLEASE NOTE: Train Simulator is not required to play this game. The people of New Town are totally unaware,Of a place you imagine only if you dare,Trainsylvania is a spooky and frightful land,In which the Count of Monster Disco has a mansion so grand. ¥...
Scare Train VR Scare: Fatal Picture Scare: Project of Fear Scarebox Scarecrow Scarecrow Vs Dark 打败黑黑怪兽的稻草人 Scarecrows of Illyria Scared Little Ghost Scared Tube Scaredom Scarenoid SCARF SCARF Scarlet and Blank Scarlet Deer Inn Scarlet Defiance: The Wall Between Us Scarlet Hollow Scarlet...
Also imagine telling some business people you chose to rewrite something critical for serious bizcorp using a train themed framework. :steam_locomotive::train::train::train: Is it called Choo, Choo.js or...? It's called "Choo", though we're fine if you call it "Choo-choo" or "Chugga...
Not just the landscape, but some train lines too. Or Just a weird island. Just something so you can see how different / experienced people play the game. Maybe bundle that with a pakset too?Taking a look at the CPU-speeds also makes me wonder if we really can't have multi-threated...
names = list(input_df.columns) target_feature_names = ["Constant Term"] for feature_distillation in powers_nparray[1:]: intermediary_label = "" final_label = "" for i in range(len(input_feature_names)): if feature_distillation[i] == 0: continue else: variable = input_feature_names...
Famed Steam Train Big Boy No. 4014 will depart Cheyenne, Wyoming, Thursday, Aug. 5, traveling through Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming.
# Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## If true, the city names will be added to the pool. If false, only the city names will be in the pool. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Additive = true ## The comma separated list of city names. Whitesp...
input_feature_names = list(input_df.columns) target_feature_names = ["Constant Term"] for feature_distillation in powers_nparray[1:]: intermediary_label = "" final_label = "" for i in range(len(input_feature_names)): if feature_distillation[i] == 0: ...