IOS string King string Kongregate string LoadTest string NintendoSwitchAccount string NintendoSwitchDeviceId string OpenIdConnect string Organic string PSN string Parse string ServerCustomId string Steam string Twitch string Unknown string XboxLive string XboxMobileStore string User...
app_info_print < AppID>– 显示 Steam 服务器为游戏提供的所有信息。 enable/disable_license < PackageID>– 可测试应用程序的所有权,通常为 DLC的所有权。 testappcloudpaths < AppID>– 可在允许所有顾客启动自动云前测试自动云配置。此命令一次只能用于单一 AppID,且须在所有正在接受测试的客户端中执行。 lo...
FacebookInstantGamesId string GameCenter string GamersFirst string Google string GooglePlayGames string IOS string King string Kongregate string LoadTest string NintendoSwitchAccount string NintendoSwitchDeviceId string OpenIdConnect string Organic string PSN string Parse string ServerCust...
IT之家 5 月 26 日消息,近期泄露不断的 V 社新作《Deadlock》已经现身 SteamDB 数据库,App ID 为 1422450,今天早上 8:10 有 722 名玩家同时在线。游戏存在一个 2020 年就已创立的包,其 Sub ID 为 499466,凌晨更名为“Project 8 - Staging for Beta Testing”,预示着《Deadlock》已开启一定规模的...
Want to participate in the Quake Champions Public Test Server?Click hereto install it now. 玩Quake Champions 免费开玩 开始游戏 Platinum Packs Buy Platinum ClickHEREfor more information. 选择一个购买选项 选择 购买《QUAKE》收藏同捆包捆绑包(?) ...
• Stöd för att anpassa appens huvudflikar. Nyheter 7 mars 2025 Version 3.9.9 - Added link to game notes in game content section of the Library screen - Fixed an issue where some games would not appear on the Library screen for accounts that were part of a Steam Family ...
{"pchName","TEST"}, {"fData","0.0"} }; bool bRet = GiantSDKEngine.Instance.CallFunctionSync("ISteamUserStats_SetStat0", dic, out pBData, out pIdata, out pFdata, out strData); //ISteamUserStats_UpdateAvgRateStat //output: Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, ...
=> new RegExp(`\\b(${keyword.split(' ').join('.*')}).*\\b`, 'i').test(
Gravinoid is a tactical sci-fi VR action throwing game set in a dystopic future where humanity is falling and AI is prevailing. You - clone 7235 - have to work your way up towards the ascension room where your ultimate test awaits!
Steamwork.Net 需要在游戏运行目录下/Unity Asset目录下建立steam_appid.txt文件并在文件中写入游戏ID(对就是在建立游戏那里的ID). 5.2 使用前检查 检测建立的结构体空间是否能够正常使用 返回值Bool Packsize.Test(); 检测依赖DLL是否存在 返回值Bool