登录您的 Steam 帐户来查看购买、帐户状态并获取个性化帮助。 登录Steam 请求帮助,我无法登录。 热门产品 Counter-Strike 2Monster Hunter WildsPUBG: BATTLEGROUNDSDota 2 游戏、软件等…购买消费我的帐户交易、送礼、市场和 Steam 点数Steam 客户端Steam 社区Steam 硬件 ...
Log in to your Steam account to get help with your Steam games, contact Steam Support, request refunds, and more. Help is also available if you can't log in, need to reset your password, or recover a hijacked account.
What happens if I need technical support help but I only have a free to play account? Technical support for in-game issues is provided by the respective game's Support department. To contact Steam Support,Click Hereto locate your issue and create a support ticket. ...
Home Support Steam Authentication In order to create Support ticket or view the existing ones, authenticate via your Steam account by clicking the button below Hi! Could we please enable some additional services forAdvertising & Analytics? You can always change or withdraw your consent later. Your...
support ticket 的意思是求助请求让你使用你账户第一个关联的邮箱地址重新发起请求 并提供这次求助的编号。你之前用的邮箱地址以及提供给他们的邮箱地址 并不是此帐户注册时的邮箱地址 你的账户被别人登陆过 。你这个账户因为也没有购买记录所以只能通过你最早的注册账户的邮箱来验证你的身份。 如果你最早的那个邮箱也...
您可以几乎为自己在 Steam 上的所有购买要求退款—无需理由。也许您的电脑未达到硬件需求;也许您不小心购买了游戏;也许您在游玩了一小时后发现游戏实在不符合您的口味。 都没关系。对于通过help.steampowered.com提交的退款申请,只要提交时处于规定的退款期间且游戏时间不超过 2 个小时,Valve 都将提供无理由退款。
第一次使用英语写信跟..手贱关了充值页面,支付宝扣钱了钱没到账。看贴吧有人使用Email申诉,然后自己也送了一份,不过看到后面有人说noreply的这个邮箱人家不受理问题,自己又通过steam support发了份邮件过去,
Elsword is hosting a Hyper Punch Master Event until October 8, 2024, an upgraded version of their regular Punch Master Event. Instead of the 1.5 million Combat Power and 3 million Combat Power growth support, the new Hyper Punch Master helps all players under 9 million CP to be prepared fo...
Support all riverboats, and everyone who takes care of the boats - especially the historic boats that are still with us! I couldn't find Harriott II Riverboat in the Fred Way Directory, but added her to thesteamboats of the fifty states list. I put in a call to find out if it runs...
问下steam客服说..前段时间steam莫名其妙被盗了,因为发垃圾广告被客服锁了,然后给steam客服发邮件。客服给我的回复是:create a new support ticket using the first ema