How do I stop Steam from running automatically when I start my computer?With Steam open, click the Steam menu, and choose Settings.Click on the Interface tab, and uncheck the box that says:"Run Steam when my computer starts." Need help with Steam? Use the Steam help wizard to narrow ...
整体流程其实不复杂,主要是下载工具费时间,大概全程需要一到两个小时,具体看你的网络好不好,这里划一下流程图,先看懂这张图再动手。⏹ 安装所需硬件 本次使用的硬件如下,必须和非必须都列出来了,配套硬件的选择均有具体说明,小坑点蛮多,大家可以参考下。1️⃣ SteamDeck本体(必须)简介:还没入手...
Step 2. Disable steam startup Run Wise Care 365, select System Tuneup on the top menu bar then click Startup Manager. In Startup Manager select Startup then find Steam in the list and toggle the switch. If you have other startup programs that you want to disable, just repeat thi...
重新运行桌面上的图标,确认都能正常打开就行了。 最后,将上面所有软件都打开,勾选上Run On Startup,也就是开机自启,不然每次都得手动开软件,很麻烦。 5️⃣必要的优化设置 首先关闭开机的Pin,不然每次登陆都麻烦得很: ● 点击设置,进入账户的登录选项。 ● 找到其他设置中的提高安全性,点击关闭。 ● 点击...
Each game has a ‘controller support’ setting, which is used in Big Picture mode, for the ‘Control Supported’ filter. Set to ‘full’ to make the game show up in that filter. Setting this to ‘full’ also seems to disable the “Controller Configuration Required” prompt that appears wi...
在弹窗中点选application,在Command中输入./home/deck/ 点选advanced option,勾选run in terminal和do not close when command exits 现在每次切换到桌面模式时x11vnc都在运行,直接在主机上打开vncviewer就行了 无线文件传输 要将文件导入steam deck最无脑的方法是U盘拷贝,另外也有很多无线方法,笔者的主机是...
最后,将上面所有软件都打开,勾选上Run On Startup,也就是开机自启,不然每次都得手动开软件,很麻烦。 5️⃣ 必要的优化设置 首先关闭开机的Pin,不然每次登陆都麻烦得很: ● 点击设置,进入账户的登录选项。 ● 找到其他设置中的提高安全性,点击关闭。 ● 点击Pin,删除Pin。 接着搜索netplwiz,打开。 取消必须...
From your Steam Link startup screen, select Settings > Streaming > Advanced options(Y) > Reset to Defaults(Y).*This option appears only in the Steam Link beta build - you can switch to the beta from System settings. Reduce streaming quality You can adjust your streaming quality from the...
You may need toperform a clean bootif this issue persists. The clean boot is a troubleshooting technique that allows you to manually disable startups and services so that you can find the problematic software. Once you find it out, just uninstall it, and then this issue will be solved. ...