Steam 礼物卡 以游戏为赠礼 推荐 由好友推荐 由鉴赏家推荐 标签 浏览分类 热销商品 新品 即将推出 优惠 VR 作品 支持控制器 非常适合 Deck 按类型浏览 免费开玩 抢先体验 休闲 体育 冒险 动作 大型多人在线 模拟 独立 竞速 策略 角色扮演 您的商店
Scroll down to “Account Security,” and select “Change my password.” Steam will give you the choice of sending a confirmation code to your Steam Guard app, associated phone number, or email account. Once you have pasted the confirmation code, re-enter a new password, and click “Change ...
List of configured end points registered for sending the player push notifications Statistics StatisticModel[] List of leaderboard statistic values for the player Tags TagModel[] List of player's tags for segmentation TitleId string Title ID this player profile applies to TotalValueToDateInUS...
Users reported that this problem can be fixed by changing their Internet options. According to them, after changing security settingsCould not connect toSteamnetworkerror was resolved. After lowering your security settings to low, the issue withSteamshould be resolved. Although this method can fix t...
The Steam error code 2 is most likely due to a network problem that’s either from your internet or from another setting on your computer. Without further ado, here’s how you can fix Steam error code 2. Let’s dive in! 1. Disable The Family Sharing Feature. ...
Open the Steam Mobile App. If you are logged in on your phone, go to the Steam Guard menu (the middle "shield" icon in the bottom navigation bar) for the "Scan a QR code" prompt. Hold your phone up to the Steam sign in panel and use the mobile app to scan the QR code. ...
{accountName:'your Steam account name',password:'your Steam password',steamguard:'your Steam Guard value',// only required if logging in with a Steam Guard authorization (does not work anymore, see below)authCode:'your Steam Guard email code',// only required if logging in with a new em...
In this method, we’ll be flushing out all the garbage and possibly corrupted cache files from your DNS server to try and fix the Steam error code 105 issue. This will not erase any of your personal files. Note:‘Flushing’ out the garbage is simply programming jargon for ‘deleting’. ...
For Steam identifiers which have not been linked to PlayFab accounts, null will be returned. SteamPlayFabIdPair ApiErrorWrapper The basic wrapper around every failed API response 展开表 NameTypeDescription code integer Numerical HTTP code error string Playfab error code errorCode integer Nu...
ASF is not based on steam client, it has its own steam client implementation. Thanks to that, what ASF is doing, is not spawning any process, but actually sending one, real request to steam network that we started playing a game. This is the same request that would be sent by steam ...