Any claim that you've been accidentally or falsely reported for fraud or any other infraction is always the introduction to a scam. If someone did report your account falsely and you're concerned about being banned, you can rest assured that Steam disregards false reports. Do not follow any...
Click Help, I can't sign in to start the recovery process. Some scammers may state that you can't recover your account because they already changed all of its information. This is part of the scam, and is false. You should ignore any statements or advice the scammer offers....
To report a Steam gift card scam, start by contacting Steam Support and providing all the details and evidence related to the scam. You can also report the incident to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) if you’re in the United States. Additionally, inform your local law enforcement if you...
Several settings have been added to Config.json for limiting the size of vehicle bases: Allow_Item_Placement_On_Vehicle (true / false) Allow_Trap_Placement_On_Vehicle (true / false) Max_Item_Distance_From_Hull (meters) Max_Trap_Distance_From_Hull (meters) In particular, the t...
we strongly encourage you to NOT share ANY of your account details with third-party services. If such service turns out to be atypical scam, you'll be left alone with the problem, most likely without your Steam account and ASF won't take any responsibility for third-party services claiming...
we strongly encourage you to NOT share ANY of your account details with third-party services. If such service turns out to be atypical scam, you'll be left alone with the problem, most likely without your Steam account and ASF won't take any responsibility for third-party services claiming...
10. engage in any actions that defraud or attempt to defraud, scam or cheat others out of any items that have been earned through authorized game play; 11. cheat or utilize unauthorized exploits in connection with the Games or the Service; ...
Their refund policy is just a scam because online companies can do whatever they want. Even if a product does not function at all. People make mistakes and so do developers, but this isn’t the first launch of a title being a disaster. So they at least should refund the customer if th...
Their refund policy is just a scam because online companies can do whatever they want. Even if a product does not function at all. People make mistakes and so do developers, but this isn’t the first launch of a title being a disaster. So they at least should refund the customer if ...