血的教训,请大家慎用..之前试用了xbox game pass,不知道它会自动续费。更过分的是,在今年四月本人不知情的情况下,自动升级为了ultimate版本!!!我之前根本没关注过,直接扣了我五个月的终极版的钱!!!微
另外,如果你没有更改过游戏的默认安装路径,也可以直接在Windows资源管理器中输入以下路径来快速访问存档文件夹:C:\Users\<你的用户名>\AppData\Local\Pal\Saved\SaveGames。请记得将<你的用户名>替换为你电脑的实际用户名。 通过Xbox Game Pass安装 如果你是通过Xbox Game Pass安装的幻兽帕鲁,存档文件的位置会有...
首先,选择其图标旁边的名称Microsoft Edge ,并将其更改为Xbox Cloud Gaming。您可能需要在末尾添加一个(测试版),以记住这仍然是一项正在进行的工作,尽管 Edge 图标有自己的测试版标签来提供帮助。转到启动选项,您将在其中看到命令行。您需要保留“e @@u @”部分,但用新命令替换其后面的所有内容:--window-...
包含5 件物品:Watch_Dogs - Access Granted Pack,Watch_Dogs - Bad Blood,Watch_Dogs - Conspiracy,Watch_Dogs™,Watch_Dogs™ - Season Pass 特价促销!3 月 13 日 截止 查看信息 -80% ¥ 148.00 ¥ 29.60 添加至购物车 关于此内容 Unlock a standalone mind bending game mode in which cyborgs ...
已拥抱Game Pa..如题,工作后其实并没有多少时间和心境去耐心打游戏了,玩游戏都是偶尔玩玩。Steam库里面,数量为83.43%的游戏买了就从未下载过,因此买断制的消费模式对我来说有些不适用看。而微软这边推出的订阅制,很
9块白嫖微软的gam..9块白嫖微软的game pass,买完发现多数游戏pc不能安装?!没有xbox,白嫖失败奇怪的是奥日显示不能安装,结果我从主页面进又能安装了?所以到底有啥好玩的能安装?
In addition to the event, Elsword is also providing a +11 Vestige of Soul, one of the strongest weapons in the game, until October 8 just for staying logged in for 60 minutes. The Vestige of Soul weapon normally is given to players a +9 Enhancement when they first receive it, but wi...
How to move Game Pass PC saves to Steam Now you’ve successfully retrieved your save file, it’s time to move it to its new home on Steam. In order to make this process slightly easier, it’s a good idea to make sure you have the game installed and have launched it at least once...
Xbox Game Pass allows you to save a ton of money on games through its affordable subscription model. However, Game Pass lacks the ability to locally stream games to your other devices like a TV or tablet/phone. With GlosSI, you’re able to use Steam Link to play your Game Pass games....