For the protection of the account holder, we request that you verify the following information:The email you have provided does not match the first email used when the account was created.Unfortunately, there is no purchase information on the account for us to verify ownership, so you will ...
ASF is failing withRequest failed after 5 trieserrors! Usually it means that you're using Steam parental PIN to access your account, yet you forgot to put it in ASF config. You must put valid PIN inSteamParentalCodebot config property, otherwise ASF will not be able to access most of we...
Unable to login to Funcom, play online or solo, or access friend list. I receive the same message each time I try, as well as when I first open the game: ‘Failed to Login! Steam online services are unresponsive.’ I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling Steam, Battleye, and Conan Exiles...
t=1674554388](steam://openurl/ [2024-03-09 09:22:50] Manifest download: send request [2024-03-09 09:22:50] Manifest download: waiting for download to finish [2024-03-09 09:22:...
// In case of failure, you may, within one year of the failed request, have recourse to an Alternative Dispute Resolution procedure by filing an online complaint on the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution website:
RetrieveChannelAccessProfilePrivilegesRequest RetrieveChannelAccessProfilePrivilegesResponse RetrieveCurrentOrganizationRequest RetrieveCurrentOrganizationResponse RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse RetrieveDependenciesForUninstallRequest ...
But I believe this needs to be negotiated between EA and Micorosoft for gamepass customers who would have a monthly subscription, and say when they pay for renewal for next month in the new region they only get half the benefits and no EA play access renewed.I think a feature request ...
使用V2.8.4版,打开GitHub的所有加速项目后访问网站,显示 {"error":"Request","message":"Could not find any IP that can b...
Teams tag is mainly focused on the general issue of Microsoft Teams troubleshooting. According to your description, your question is related to Graph API, which is not in our support scope.