SteamAPICall_t UGCDownloadToLocation( UGCHandle_t hContent, const char *pchLocation, uint32 unPriority ); 名称类型描述 hContent UGCHandle_t pchLocation const char * unPriority uint32 返回: SteamAPICall_t,与 RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult_t 调用结果一起使用。 UGCRead int32 UGCRead( UGCHan...
打开生化危机6总是提示无法定位程序输入点steamremotestorage于动态链接库steam api.dll 各位大神怎么破?
无法定位程序输入点s..求助求助啊 尼玛又玩不了了没人会吗???m,,,...没人帮助我 百度也没用我去
出现“无法定位程序输入点steamremotestorage于动态链接库steam...”这个错误,通常是因为你的系统中缺少了必要的Steam动态链接库文件或者这些文件版本不兼容。详细解释:1. 错误原因:这个错误提示通常意味着程序尝试调用一个名为“steamremotestorage”的功能或接口,但是在动态链接库中...
无法定位steamremotestorage!!!急 只看楼主收藏回复 午夜凶凌丶 夏暮列祖 11 这什么回事啊 送TA礼物 1楼2013-12-14 18:16回复 249乙 披甲圣灵 13 = =看样子跟steam有关系———乃们这些baka!⑨是最强的! 2楼2013-12-14 18:17 回复 DROTE 夏...
Home / Steamworks.SteamRemoteStorage.FilePersisted View Edit History Syntax static bool FilePersisted( string filename ) Description Checks if a specific file is persisted in the steam cloud. Arguments string filename Returns bool Page views: 1,023Updated: A Long Time Ago ...
Deletes the file from remote storage, but leaves it on the local disk and remains accessible from the API. staticboolFilePersisted(stringfilename) Checks if a specific file is persisted in the steam cloud. staticbyte[]FileRead(stringfilename) ...
系统文件steam_api.dll出错,极有可能是盗号木马、流氓软件等恶意程序所导致,其感染相关文件并加载起来,一旦杀毒软件删除被感染的文件,就会导致相关组件缺失,游戏等常用软件运行不起来 出现问题的大部分原因是因该文件被木马病毒破坏导致系统找不到此文件,出现错误提示框,想要解决此问题只需找到专业的DLL...
The Steam Cloud provides an easy and transparent way to save your game data on a remote storage system. The files specified in the Auto-Cloud configuration or if they are written to the disk will automatically be replicated to the Steam cloud servers (using the Cloud API) after the game ex...