steam os应该是最近的更新之后有了nested desktop,添加到steam之后可以在游戏模式直接打开桌面,随用随关...
The windowed mode is adaptive and not limited to a number of predefined resolutions. So that's a quality of life that some AAA games don't even have. Looking at you, Frostpunk. Sadly, the sounds don't stop when you ALT+TAB away, which led me to muting the game soon. Strangely, you...
I managed to get 60fps by running my games windowed mode and setting the in-game resolution to 720. Is not ideal, but at least is not 28fps. @Siysrril Yes, that is exactly how I reached 60 fps with dxvk. But it's better to put PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% in the Launch Op...
And still there’s no other option to play full screen rather than windowed.I still find paintings or portraits very difficult, since those could be a challenge for anyone's eyesight, due to the pictures' details being tiny, even if you try to help yourself by using the zoom-in feature ...
The Steam Deck will automatically run games in full-screen by default. However, if you drop to desktop, you can run games in windowed mode. Do you plan to release SteamOS as a standalone, general-purpose operating system? We definitely plan on releasing SteamOS as a separate operating system...
When you launch a game in a borderless windowed mode, it gets launched in the windowed mode but covers your entire screen due to which it appears that the game is launched in the full-screen mode. Some games have an option to enable the borderless windowed mode. Check if your game has ...
main 克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支2 标签0 Riley Labrecquev1.53a37e939e3年前 62 次提交 提交 SteamworksExample v1.53 3年前 glmgr v1.52 3年前 public/steam v1.53a 3年前 ...
Fixed clicking "Play Game" links in event news causing client popup windows to close. steamwebhelper support dialog is now shown if the main client window cannot be created at startup. Big Picture Mode Fixed switching from fullscreen to windowed mode when a full-screen video is dismissed...
><IP:PORT> <ADD | Delete> ''' **Allows for making links to add said server to favorites.- [[User:jay7981|Jay7981]] * '''<nowiki>steam://runadv/</nowiki><AppID> <parameters>''' **Runs an app allowing you to specify advanced parameters like -windowed. -[[User:ultradude25|ult...
Added option to start in windowed mode under Settings => Display => Big Picture Mode => Windowed Allow onscreen keyboard to be activated while in New Big Picture Mode and Steam window is not focused Implemented Steam Controller dongle pairing ...