Запуститеигру Споддержкой Remote Play Together. 2 Пригласитедруга Откройтесвойсписокдрузейипригласитекогоугодно. 3 Играйтевместе Вашдругпринима...
; iIndex < unSessionCount; iIndex++ ) { RemotePlaySessionID_t unSessionID = SteamRemotePlay()->GetSessionID( iIndex ); if ( !unSessionID ) { continue; } return true; } return false; } GetSessionID uint32 GetSessionID( int iSessionIndex );...
Название:Blood Code Жанр:Приключенческиеигры,Казуальныеигры,Инди,Симуляторы,Стратегии Разработчик:ZiX Solutions,Weixi Studio Издатель:ZiX Solutions ...
Встречайтеофициальныйсимулятортенниса ATP и WTA! Станьтелучшимигрокоммирапорезультатамсезонов, состязаясьскрупнейшимсоставом...
isteamremoteplay.h isteamremotestorage.h isteamscreenshots.h isteamugc.h isteamuser.h isteamuserstats.h isteamutils.h isteamvideo.h launcher.vdf launcher_kbm.vdf libavcodec-58.dll libavformat-58.dll libavresample-4.dll libavutil-56.dll libraries~00299a408.js libraries~05c32d390.js librar...
If you want it to play games on your phone, please make sure your phone supports OTG! Q: How do I check if the handle is normal? A: For example, if you use the windows system, you need to connect to the computer for detection. After you turn on the computer, open [Print Device...
bool BStartRemotePlayTogether();顯示遠端同樂介面。Returns: bool如果您的遊戲已完成遠端同樂設定則為 true;否則 false。 BSendRemotePlayTogetherInvite bool BSendRemotePlayTogetherInvite( CSteamID steamIDFriend );名稱型別Description steamIDFriend CSteamID The Steam ID of the friend you'd like to inviteInvit...
Remote Play on TV Family Sharing Full Controller Support Xbox Controllers Support for other devices is not known Languages: InterfaceFull AudioSubtitles English ✔ ✔ ✔ French ✔ ✔ ✔ Italian ✔ ✔ German ✔ ✔ ✔ Spanish - Spain ✔ ✔ See all 10 supported langu...
I deleted my previous review because I wasn't entirely satisfied with it, and there's something about this game that as frustrating as it is to play clicks. If I were to sum this game up in a simple analogy it would be something like this: the devs cooked with a killer recipe, but...
Layers of Fear —психоделическаяигра-исследованиеотпервоголицавжанреужасов, основнымдостоинствомкоторойявляетсяотличныйсюжет. Вампр