求大佬指点..刚下载steam vr,安装完了就出现个弹窗,写的是please plug in your VR headset,它怎么检测我的VR设备的?我也插了耳机了,VR设备处于NOLO和电脑连接的最后一步,提
关闭电脑上的所有 Steam 应用程序,包括 SteamVR 应用程序。 从电脑上拔下串流盒连接线(HDMI 及 USB),并将电源线从电源插座上拔下。 等待几秒钟,然后再将线缆插回。在电脑上,您可能会看到正在安装驱动程序的通知。等待安装完成。 重新打开 SteamVR 应用程序。 如果依然看到类似错误,请重复上述步骤。也可以检查您...
江湖救急!pleas..刚下载steam vr,安装完了就出现个弹窗,写的是please plug in your VR headset,它怎么检测我的VR设备的?我也插了耳机了,VR设备处于NOLO和电脑连接的最后一步,提
求问Steamvr突..前几天入的nolovr 前几天玩的时候都没有这个软件 昨天就启动steamvr的时候多出一个headset window 关闭了以后steamvr也一起停止运行了 多出这个软件以后就会卡屏
video not streaming your headset is connected to a host PC ,but no video is being streamed.check the host PC for errors. error 451 quest3头显里面显示这个问题,官方串联也无法链接。 我爱杨小槿 1-5 10 steam link打开游戏就黑屏 贴吧用户_... 我的steam link打开游戏就黑屏,但鼠标都还能动...
video not streaming your headset is connected to a host PC ,but no video is being streamed.check the host PC for errors. error 451 quest3头显里面显示这个问题,官方串联也无法链接。 我爱杨小槿 1-5 10 steam link打开游戏就黑屏 贴吧用户_... 我的steam link打开游戏就黑屏,但鼠标都还能动...
Steam 每月进行一次调查,收集客户正在使用的电脑软硬件种类的数据。调查非必须参加,且匿名进行。收集到的信息将非常有助于我们决定该投资开发哪些技术、提供哪些产品。 PC 显卡使用情况(按制造商) August 2023 - January 2025 0.33% 7.73% 16.40% 75.54% OTHER INTEL AMD NVIDIA 点击查看更多信息 ...
Sign in to get personalized help for SteamVR. You selected the issue: "Wireless Receiver Not Detected" / "USB Device Not Recognized" There are two wireless receivers built into the Vive headset, used to communicate with the controllers. If you are experiencing issues with the wireless receivers...
Disconnect all the cords on your headset and unplug the Link Box. Launch SteamVR and go toSettings > Developer. ClickRemove All SteamVR USB Devices, and this will clear your SteamVR device memory. Wait until it completes and plug all the cords back in after a couple of minutes. ...
Headset Not Detected Make sure your headset is connected properly, then reset it below. This issue can be frustrating as it keeps you away from enjoying your VR games and other content on your system. If you are one of the affected users, try the fixes we have mentioned in this post.Adv...