I am currently using the Windows 11 system for daily use. I am also a gamer, so on my computer, there are many games such as Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn. Those two games are power-hungry, and I can swiftly play them on my Windows 11. So I hope you understand that Windows 11...
1️⃣ 制作Windows安装盘 第一步,先去微软官方下载制作工具,具体看下图。 下载完成后,电脑接上U盘(用刚才装SteamdeckOS的就行),双击windows制作工具,根据提示一路下一步,唯一需要注意的是取消勾选“对这台电脑使用推荐设置”,其他不用动。 第二步,制作Windows安装盘的同时去下载SteamDeck的专用驱动安装包,注意...
For Windows 11, make sure you have the latest OS update (in order to get the latest BIOS with fTPM support) before installing.
SteamOS系统部分在双系统方案中不需要修改,其他的: ESP引导分区:增加了rEFInd引导,负责引导双系统 Windows系统分区:也就是Windows的C盘,安装Windows系统 双系统共用分区:双系统均挂载此分区作为共享数据区,用来作为游戏库,这样游戏只需要安一份,两边都能玩
OS *: Win XP SP3, Vista, Win 7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad or Equivalent AMD Memory: 4GB Hard Disk Space: 25GB Video Card: GeForce 9800 GTX, Radeon HD 5550 * 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。 展开阅读 © 2011 id Software LLC, a...
Windows 11 64 bit 50.51% 54.87% 55.28% 55.38% 45.19% -10.19% Windows 7 64 bit 0.29% 0.22% 0.17% 0.15% 0.10% -0.05% Other 0.08% 0.07% 0.08% 0.06% 0.05% -0.01% VULKAN SYSTEMS (LINUX OR POST-XP WINDOWS WITH VULKAN GPU) OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 7.88% 7.40...
This is where Steam OS could come into play in the future, with Zeng stating that the company has been working on shipping a version of its handhelds in the future with Linux or Valve's own take on it in place ofWindows 11. Microsoft will hardly be sweating at the thought, but there...
steamgamessynchronizationgamingnixoscontrolleroptimizationemulationfile-sharingpluginsxboxprotongamepadwineretrogamingsteamosdxvkwindows-11steamdecksteam-deck UpdatedJan 4, 2024 Rust Alia5/GlosSI Sponsor Star1.7k Code Issues Pull requests Tool for using Steam-Input controller rebinding at a system level alongsi...
Windows 11 Windows 10 版本 1809(OS 内部版本 17763)或更高版本 macOS 10.15 或更高版本 Ubuntu 20.04 或更高版本 Debian 11 或更高版本 Fedora 37 或更高版本 Deepin(UOS) 20 或更高版本 iOS 11 或更高版本(开发中…) Android 5.0(API 21) 或更高版本 🧩 截图 从移动端 Steam App 导入令牌指南 ...