I am currently using the Windows 11 system for daily use. I am also a gamer, so on my computer, there are many games such as Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn. Those two games are power-hungry, and I can swiftly play them on my Windows 11. So I hope you understand that Windows 11...
1️⃣ 制作Windows安装盘 第一步,先去微软官方下载制作工具,具体看下图。 下载完成后,电脑接上U盘(用刚才装SteamdeckOS的就行),双击windows制作工具,根据提示一路下一步,唯一需要注意的是取消勾选“对这台电脑使用推荐设置”,其他不用动。 第二步,制作Windows安装盘的同时去下载SteamDeck的专用驱动安装包,注意...
例如互通分区如果使用NTFS的话,虽然Windows那边兼容性较好,可SteamOS这边可能会出现游戏闪退,打不开的问题,也需要修改SteamOS系统中的配置文件来达到目的。 搞btrfs做为互通盘的话,Windows那边的兼容性又变差了,因为Windows原生并不支持这种文件系统,所以就需要安装对应驱动,或者使用第三方软件才能读取,也可能存在一些兼容...
IT之家 3 月 11 日消息,科技媒体 Windows Central 今天(3 月 11 日)发布博文,报道称微软公司有望在 2025 年推出其首款 Xbox 品牌游戏掌机。 IT之家援引博文介绍,微软公司正与联想、华硕或微星等知名 OEM 品牌合作,开发一款 Xbox 品牌的游戏掌机,设备代号为“Keenan”,外观将延续 Xbox 的经典设计,并支持 PC...
OS:Windows 10 64-bit Processor:Intel Core i5-6400 or AMD Ryzen 3 1200 or similar Memory:8 GB RAM Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon RX 460 or Intel HD 630 (2GB VRAM) Hard Drive:25 GB available space (Euro Truck Simulator 2 base game) ...
This is where Steam OS could come into play in the future, with Zeng stating that the company has been working on shipping a version of its handhelds in the future with Linux or Valve's own take on it in place ofWindows 11. Microsoft will hardly be sweating at the thought, but there...
OS *: Windows Vista / 7 (32 or 64-bit) Processor: 2 GHz Quad Core CPU Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: Shader Model 3.0 (Geforce 8800 or higher, Radeon HD4000-Series or higher), 512 MB, DirectX 9.0c DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 5 GB free hard disk space Sound: DirectX compa...
SteamOS系统部分在双系统方案中不需要修改,其他的: ESP引导分区:增加了rEFInd引导,负责引导双系统 Windows系统分区:也就是Windows的C盘,安装Windows系统 双系统共用分区:双系统均挂载此分区作为共享数据区,用来作为游戏库,这样游戏只需要安一份,两边都能玩
Evil is on the rise, and the world needs champions. Answer the call, forge your destiny, and become the hero you were always meant to be in Champions Online! 展开阅读 系统需求 Minimum: OS *: Windows 7 Processor: 2.5GHz Single Core or 1.8GHz Dual Core Memory: 2GB RAM Graphics: NV...