优惠截止时间:3 月 13 日 上午 10:00 最高可省 -90% 直播 周间特惠 优惠截止时间:3 月 13 日 上午 10:00 -40% ¥ 48.00 ¥ 28.80 -70% ¥ 248.00 ¥ 74.40 -90% ¥ 298.00 ¥ 29.80 -50% ¥ 248.00 ¥ 124.00 直播 -70% ¥ 198.00 ¥ 59.40 直播 ...
进入SteamOS,打开Konsole运行下面命令: curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scawp/Steam-Deck.Force-SteamOS-On-Boot/main/curl_install.sh | bash 二、Windows启动项的修复 进入OS系统或使用并启动至OS启动U盘,打开Konsole(命令控制台)输入一下命令: sudo efibootmgr -c -L "Win" -l "\EFI\Micros...
弄好上述工作后就登出当前账号 重新登陆,一样是选择Gnome,账号和密码都是desktop 在应用程序菜单中开启Terminal程序 输入~/post_logon.sh指令 输入命令正确的话会让你输入密码,再次输入desktop,此时你看不到你所输入的东西,输入完后按enter即可 接下来就是继续安装程序了,问你是否继续按y然后回车,然后基本上不用管...
卸载方式同样有两种,第一种打开下载的 decky_installer.desktop 选择「uninstall decky loader」,第二种方式与第二种安装方式相同, 只需要将install_realease.sh替换成uninstall_release.sh。 有时SteamOS 更新后 Decky Loader 会消失不见,此时只需要再次运行 decky_install.desktop 便可恢复,插件的配置仍然会保留。 Po...
A mouse can be used when an HMD is not present and SteamVR is not installed. The 360 video will appear in a window on the desktop monitor. Left-click and drag in the window to move the around in the 360 video. Right-click to show and hide the analytics and help information. ...
OS:Windows® 10 Processor:Intel Core i5 - 3450 or better Memory:6 GB RAM Graphics:GTX 460 or better DirectX:Version 10 Storage:2 GB available space Additional Notes:More RAM needed when using any sort of virtual/remote desktop. Recommended: ...
While the EA Desktop App doesn’t natively support the Steam Deck’s operating system, we can use Proton to get it to run. Proton is a compatibility layer that allows us to install and run Windows-based applications on Steam OS. LATEST VIDEOS Over the following sections, we will show you...
安装也只需照着官方的安装教程安装即可。不过需要注意的是 ChimeraOS 的 Gnome 桌面与 KDE 桌面不同,下载的.desktop文件无法直接双击运行,所以最好还是用命令行方式安装:curl -L https://github.com/SteamDeckHomebrew/decky-installer/releases/latest/download/install_release.sh。
If you can't see 'Install' on the right-click context menu, first press 'Show More Options.' (Image credit: Ben Wilson | Windows Central) Right-click the Windows desktop and select 'Display settings.' Find 'Display orientation' to select 'Landscape' from the drop-down menu. Shut down ...
ublue-os/bazzite Star4.9k Code Issues Pull requests Bazzite is a custom Fedora Atomic image built with cloud native technology that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices - including your favorite handheld. steamgamingdesktopvalveoperating-systemoci-imagehtpcostreefedora-silverbluefe...