优惠截止时间:3 月 13 日 上午 10:00 最高可省 -90% 直播 周间特惠 优惠截止时间:3 月 13 日 上午 10:00 -40% ¥ 48.00 ¥ 28.80 -70% ¥ 248.00 ¥ 74.40 -90% ¥ 298.00 ¥ 29.80 -50% ¥ 248.00 ¥ 124.00 直播 -70% ¥ 198.00 ¥ 59.40 直播 ...
进入SteamOS,打开Konsole运行下面命令: curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scawp/Steam-Deck.Force-SteamOS-On-Boot/main/curl_install.sh | bash 二、Windows启动项的修复 进入OS系统或使用并启动至OS启动U盘,打开Konsole(命令控制台)输入一下命令: sudo efibootmgr -c -L "Win" -l "\EFI\Micros...
OSError: Output FPS 60 should be higher than Input FPS 120.0 INFO - 2025-02-10 16:32:02.838498 C:\Users\Administrator\Videos\NVIDIA\Desktop\Desktop 2025.02.10 - Task Completed === CLI LOG, 50 === 2025-02-10 16:21:50...
A mouse can be used when an HMD is not present and SteamVR is not installed. The 360 video will appear in a window on the desktop monitor. Left-click and drag in the window to move the around in the 360 video. Right-click to show and hide the analytics and help information. ...
While the EA Desktop App doesn’t natively support the Steam Deck’s operating system, we can use Proton to get it to run. Proton is a compatibility layer that allows us to install and run Windows-based applications on Steam OS. LATEST VIDEOS Over the following sections, we will show you...
输入~/post_logon.sh指令 输入命令正确的话会让你输入密码,再次输入desktop,此时你看不到你所输入的东西,输入完后按enter即可 接下来就是继续安装程序了,问你是否继续按y然后回车,然后基本上不用管接下来的事情了 系统安装中…… 安装完成,选择reboot重启 ...
安装也只需照着官方的安装教程安装即可。不过需要注意的是 ChimeraOS 的 Gnome 桌面与 KDE 桌面不同,下载的.desktop文件无法直接双击运行,所以最好还是用命令行方式安装:curl -L https://github.com/SteamDeckHomebrew/decky-installer/releases/latest/download/install_release.sh。
If you can't see 'Install' on the right-click context menu, first press 'Show More Options.' (Image credit: Ben Wilson | Windows Central) Right-click the Windows desktop and select 'Display settings.' Find 'Display orientation' to select 'Landscape' from the drop-down menu. Shut down ...
ublue-os/bazzite Star4.9k Code Issues Pull requests Bazzite is a custom Fedora Atomic image built with cloud native technology that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices - including your favorite handheld. steamgamingdesktopvalveoperating-systemoci-imagehtpcostreefedora-silverbluefe...
设备需装有 visionOS 1.0 或更高版本。 语言 丹麦语、乌克兰文、俄文、保加利亚文、匈牙利文、博克马尔文挪威文、印度尼西亚文、土耳其文、希腊文、德文、意大利文、捷克语、日文、法语、波兰文、泰文、瑞典文、简体中文、繁体中文、罗马尼亚文、芬兰语、英语、荷兰文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文、越南文、韩文 ...