直播 周间特惠 优惠截止时间:3 月 13 日 上午 9:59 -25% ¥ 108.00 ¥ 81.00 今日特惠! -34% ¥ 148.00 ¥ 97.68 今日特惠! -40% ¥ 39.00 ¥ 23.40 发行商特卖 优惠截止时间:3 月 13 日 上午 10:00 最高可省 -90% 直播 周间特惠 优惠截止时间:3 月 13 日 上午 10:00 -40%...
在今年年初的时候,Valve 宣布计划将 SteamOS 扩展至 Steam Deck 以外的更多设备,而联想的 Legion Go S 则是首个 "Powered by SteamOS" 机型。而在近日,Wccftech 就报道称,国外社交媒体用户 SadlyItsDadley 透露 V 社将很快为台式 PC 完成 SteamOS 适配,让用户获得更加以游戏为中心的使用体验,同时保留了 PC 的...
Any software that modifies or monitors system, disk or network activity can cause issues while downloading or running a game. These programs and services can run in the background and are typically associated with software like Anti-Virus, ad-blockers, web-optimizers, firewalls, system cleaners,...
“If You Like Final Fantasy Or Zelda, You Need To Play Evoland”Kotaku“Evoland is a fascinating study of the adventure game genre, and surprisingly funny at the same time.”Wired“Evoland's elements form a love letter to some of the most venerated games in their respective genres, and it...
《以撒的结合》是由Edmund McMillen制作完成的精品独立Rougelike游戏玩家需要操控以撒挑战一个又一个的房间在每个关卡中都有着宝藏库、商店、头目与其他可能藏有特殊物品的密室玩家可以获得道具提升自己的能力并面对各种怪物和BOSS。 Top9 《全面战争:三国》
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库:https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton proton_9.0 分支(30) 标签(3903) 管理 管理 proton_9.0 bleeding-edge experimental_9.0 proton_9.0-rc experimental_8.0 proton_8.0 proton_8.0-rc ...
forked fromRMBGAME/SteamTools 确定同步? 同步操作将从RMBGAME/SteamTools强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!! 确定后同步将在后台操作,完成时将刷新页面,请耐心等待。 删除在远程仓库中不存在的分支和标签 同步Wiki(当前仓库的 wiki 将会被覆盖!) ...
Any software that modifies or monitors system, disk or network activity can cause issues when trying to launch Steam. These programs and services can run in the background and are typically associated with software like Anti-Virus, ad-blockers, web-optimizers, firewalls, system cleaners, recording...
s like steam switched the accounts. They then deleted their 10 year account. (It’s in the process of being deleted.) When I sign into my account I see all their games and tools. When they sign into their account, that’s being deleted, they see only two games, mine. We can’t ...
steamcommunity 302后端使用caddy,在生成所有配置文件后可直接迁移到Linux/Macos环境下使用首先要在Windows环境 / Wine下 运行 steamcommunity...tar.gz/zip的压缩包格式的) https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy/releases/tag/v2.5.0-beta.1 下载后解压得到caddy 2.编辑 steamcommunity...全局进行批量替换为443即...