Steam 是畅玩游戏、讨论游戏、创造游戏的快乐所在。 在线 26,536,602 正在游戏 7,225,329 安装Steam 亦可用于: 了解更多 立即访问游戏 我们有约 30,000 款游戏,从 AAA 大作到小品的独立游戏,种类繁多,应有尽有。您可以尽情享受独家优惠、游戏自动更新及各种出色服务。
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Wait until the process is finished. Navigate to the Steam download official page. From the top-right corner of the opened window, click on the greenInstall Steambutton. Follow the on-screen instructions to reinstall the app. Login with your credentials and check if the issue persits. Although ...
Download the game files To begin, you must first fire up your favorite web browser. As long as the browser is supported, you should have little to no problems at all. OK, so the next step t take here, is to visit the official Steam Cloud page by clicking onhttps://store.steampowered...
Go to theSteam download pageusing Chrome. You’ll see a few small logos below theInstall Steambutton. One is Apple’s, and the other is a Steam icon. Click on theSteam icon, which is the option to download the Linux app. Open theFilesapp. Copy and paste the Deb file you just downl...
Log in to your Steam account to get help with your Steam games, contact Steam Support, request refunds, and more. Help is also available if you can't log in, need to reset your password, or recover a hijacked account.
The easiest way to install Steam on Debian is by downloading the DEB package from the official Steam download page. Open the terminal andcd intothe/Downloadsfolder, then type the following command and hit Enter. sudo apt install steam_latest.deb ...
Now, navigate to theSteam official page. From the upper-right corner of the window, click on theInstall Steambutton. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process. Launch Steam and you should have all the game data intact. ...
There are packages for several other Linux distributions and a source tarball available on theofficial download page. You might also find a lot of good information fromWine's official wiki pages. Troubleshooting If you are having problems you might want to take a lookWine's official wiki pages...
1. Download Steam On Windows 11 First, navigate to the legitimate Steam website and click on the install Steam box. Then select the designated path to download the app. Here are the steps to download the Steam app: Move to the officialSteamwebsite. ...